Logan followed Ian downstairs, and they went first to a small room by the grooming shop. Ian disappeared inside, telling Logan to wait for him and returned a few minutes later. He threw a small black T-shirt at him. Logan held it up and looked up at Ian unbelievingly. The size had to be a small and would be super tight on him.

Logan pulled it on and looked down at himself. “You’ve got to be kidding me. ”

Ian shrugged, smiling. “It fits you well. Some of the boys…er…male pets wear jeans, but I like the way the leather looks. You’re gorgeous in them. ”

“Can’t we compromise, this when we’re alone and regularclothes out here?”

“I like the way you look in that. ”


“Don’t argue with me, baby. ” he said softly, trailing his fingers down his side, but the look in his eyes said he was annoyed until Logan shut up and nodded.

Cursing under his breath, Logan trailed behind Ian as they went into the cafeteria for breakfast. Wolves and their mates glanced up at them curiously as they came in, nodding respectfully to Ian. Their gazes raked over Logan with interest, the looks pausing at the bruises on his arms and, he was sure, the marks on his neck. Ian strode ahead of him and took a plate of food from the server, making sure, with a glance over his shoulder, Logan got one as well and followed him down the buffet table. Ian led him over to a table and sat down, speaking softly to the server who stood by their table and ordering drinks for both of them.

Thefood was delicious, but Logan didn’t have much appetite. After moving his eggs around his plate for the third time, Ian put a hand over his. “What’s the matter? You still think we’re trying to poison you?”

Logan flushed. “No, of course not. I just don’t seem to have any appetite. ”

“It’s because you fed from me earlier. You could live indefinitely off just my blood, but it’s better if you eat regular food too. Try to eat something. It will make you feel better. ”

“What do you mean I could live off just your blood?What am I, a fucking vampire too?”

“Humans and their legends. ” He laughed softly. “No, Logan, you’re my mate, a high order of Werekin. When I mated with you, the combination of the bite, my sperm, and the secretions of my knot changed your body chemistry, your physical makeup. I’m no doctor, so I can’t explain it to you exactly, but, in a way, you’re an extension of me now and live from my blood. It’s the same for all the mates. ” Ian put a hand over his. “I told you everything would be different. I’m sorry, baby, but it was the only way to keep you alive. The Hunters put you in this position by coming after us so relentlessly. ”

Logan was silent, staring broodingly down at his plate.

Ian looked up at him curiously. “What’s going through your head?”

“I was just thinking the only way to stay alive is to become a bloodsucker, who gets fucked by wolves, and wears girly outfits. Trying to decide if it’s worth it. ”

Ian roared with laughter. “Not wolves—just one wolf. Me. Only me. And I’ll try very hard to make it worth it for you. ”

Logan glanced up at him shyly, willing to admit one thing. “Maybe it does have some compensations at that. ”

Ian reached across the table and put a hand to the back of Logan’s head, pulling him across for a kiss. Logan pulled violently away, his face flaming.

Ian let him go, looking puzzled. “What’s the matter? Did I hurt your neck?” “No,” he whispered. “It’s the kissing. In public. ”

Ian glanced around them and back at Logan. “They all know we’re mates. They think nothing of it. ”

Logan shook his head, his face still red. “We’re both men. Men don’t kiss like that. ”

“Apparently they do. We do. ”

Logan shot him a fierce glare. “You know what I mean, Ian. It embarrasses me. ” At Ian’s look of indignation, Logan tentatively put out a hand to touch Ian’s on the table. “I’m sorry. It’s taking me some time to get used to thiseven if you people don’t think anything about it. I’ve always believed—been told…” He shook his head. “It’s just hard to switch my thinking around, and I’ve never felt like this for anyone, let alone another man. ”

A little smile played around the corners of Ian’s mouth. “Like this?Like what, Logan?”

“You know. ”

“Oh, I

know, but I want to hear you say it. ”

Logan flushed angrily again, pressing his lips tightly together.

“Say it. You know you want to. ”