“Oh yeah, that’s sweet. I like that a lot. Say it again. ” Ian bounced him up and down on his rigid shaft, teasing him, holding him in place with one hand on his ass and the other on his dick. He was balls deep inside Logan, and Logan’s breathing was labored.

Logan closed his eyes and begged for all he was worth. “Oh, please, please, let me come. ”

“Since you asked me so nicely, I might consider it. First tell me if you’re ever going to touch yourself again without permission. ”

“No, no. I promise. ” Ian rammed into his ass, raking his dick back out across Logan’s prostate, and Logan screamed. “Oh my God. Please!”

Ian released his grip on Logan’s penis and tugged it in his fist, fast, hard pulls that first lifted Logan up and then slammed him back down onto Ian’s cock. “Come for me, baby. ”

Logan shut his eyes and yelled again, as his cock shot cum into Ian’s hand and spilled over onto Ian’s stomach. At the same time, Ian arched his back and shot his load into Logan’s ass, so much cum it dripped back out onto his own groin.

Logan collapsed on top of his chest, sobbing for breath. Ian bit into his wrist and held it to Logan’s lips. He fed him as he lay almost senseless with fatigue against his chest. When he’d had enough, Ian pulled his wrist away and allowed him to lie where he was, still straddling his body and half glued toIan’s belly by his cum,

his cock still in his ass. When Logan tipped over after a few minutes, Ian pushed him back up.

Helping him to sit back up was all Logan needed to ride on his own again, shoving his hips back and forth, driving Ian in, pulling himself off and driving on again.

“Riding is something you have to practice, and if you fall off, you have to get right back on. So sit up straight and ride ’em cowboy. Time for lesson number two. ”

Logan didn’t need any encouragement, not in the state he was in. He braced his hands on Ian’s shoulders to drive himself harder, on and off, deep and hard.

“When we’re finished,and you’ve rested, I’ll suck your cock and let you suck mine to keep you satisfied and give your little ass a rest,” Ian promised. “Looks like it’s going to be a long day for you, sweetheart. ”

Logan came back in the bedroom from the toilet, stopping in the doorway to look at Ian. He’d slept really late that morning and woke up feeling grouchy and out of sorts. He remembered vividly, he thought, everything that had happened between him and Ian with shame and humiliation. He thought of what his father would say and flushed a deep red. He stood there and stared at Ian with resentment mixed with a desire to drop to his knees and suck him off. The last he stubbornly ignored.

“I don’t know what you did to me last night, but it can’t happen again. ” Ian raised his eyebrows and smiled. “Oh really? You seemed to be enjoying it well enough for the past two days and nights. ” Logan ’s flush heated his skin all the way up to his hair. “You’re a damn liar. You forced me! Understand?”

Ian stood up, towering over Logan. Logan stood his ground. He defiantly raised his gaze to Ian’s even though images of all the ways he had fucked Ian over the past two days came flooding back to him. The images of all the different positions Ian had taken him in, with him crawling all over him, begging for more as soon as one round was finished, tormented him. His ass was sore, his insides tender and the skin on his cock felt raw.

“No one forced you, Logan, and don’t ever call me a liar again. Is thatunderstood?”

Logan dropped his gaze and stared down at his shifting feet. “Well, maybe not forced me…but something you did made me act that way. I would never have done all that in my right mind. Never!”

Ian dropped his hand down to graze against Logan’s cock. Instantly, it started to rise up to meet his hand, and Logan’s legs trembled so hard, he almost sagged to his knees.

Logan looked down at himself and groaned. “Oh, God. What’s happenedto me?”

Ian let his fingers trail down to Logan’s balls. He squeezed them and fondled them gently.

Logan’s knees buckled, and his hands flew out to cling to Ian’s shoulders. “Stop. Please stop. I don’t understand what’s happening to me. ”

“You’re Werekin now, and you’re mine. ”

Logan pulled back, leaning against the doorframe, gazing at Ian solemnly. “What exactly does that mean—Werekin? What does all of this mean? I know you bit me. Am I going to turn into a werewolflike you now?”

Ian chuckled. “No, honey. Forget everything you’ve been told about us, Logan, or seen in movies. None of it’s true. ”

Shaking his head, Logan backed away a little. “I remember being in the cell and hating all of you. Then you bit me, and all that hatred just drained away. I think I should feel embarrassed standing here naked, but—I don’t. I know I’m not gay—I’m not! Really!” He ducked his head for a moment and then looked back up directly into Ian’s eyes. “At least I never knew I was. God, what’s happening to me?”

“Werekinmeans you’re one of us now. I’ve had other humans who changed tell me that with the first bite, they feel a sense of relief. Old prejudices and inhibitions disappeared, and many things bubble up from their sub-conscious. For instance, when you mentioned your father, there was bitterness and anger in your voice, and when I told you you’d never be alone, your expression told me you wanted that. You can remember the time before you took my knot clearly if you concentrate. Think about what your subconscious wanted that you’re denying now. Admittedly the Werekin bite sends your libido into overdrive, but it doesn’t kill your free will. It helps lower your inhibitions, though. It allows you to do what you really want. That’s why I gave you a choice. ” Ian bent down and kissed him tenderly on his lips, sucking for a moment on his lower lip before releasing him.

Logan dashed the back of his hand against his lip. “Stop! I don’t want this!”

Ian folded his arms and sat back down on the bed. “Yes, you do. When I saw you in the cell, I made the decision to save your life. I didn’t want you hurt in any way. I felt as if I had to protect you. If someone hadn’t changed you into Werekin, they were going to have to execute you. We had no other option since the Hunters ignored our offers of making a deal with them to return you. I had a choice in taking it further and mating with you, and I gave you the choice of accepting. ”

Logan shook his head even if he did remember being asked. He refused to talk about it, instead focusing on his father. “He wouldn’t even consider a deal?”

“He never answered, Logan. I’m sorry. ”