“Go ahead and talk. I’m not stopping you. ” He turned back around to face the counter again, but Ian knew he was shamelessly eavesdropping.

Marco turned his attention back to Ian. “You said who he is. Is he someone we should know about?”

Ian turned back to Marco with a smile. “I haven’t been able to interrogate him, as I said, but he told me his name. It’s Logan Winters. Elias Winters is his father. ”

“My God! Are you certain?” Marco jumped to his feet excitedly, and Nicky turned back around curiously.

“What does that mean, Marco? Ian?Who is Elias Winters?”

“Elias Winters is the leader of the Hunters, Nicky,” Ian said quietly.

Nicky’s mouth fell open in shock again. “You made their leader’s son Werekin?He’s your new mate?Oh my God!”

“We need to call another council meeting right away to decide how we should proceed. ” Marco paced up and down the room. “This could change everything. It might even explain why Winters is in the valley. ”

Ian nodded. “I don’t want to rush him too much, Alpha. He’ll be in a very vulnerable state once he recovers from the mating, and Iwon’t have him abused in any way. ”

Marco looked surprised. “Abused? Me? No, of course not. Why would I want to abuse him?”

“You wouldn’t want to, but you might push him too hard for information and scare him to death,” Nicky said with a sideways glance.

Marco looked surprised. “Me?”

“Yes, you. I know you’re a big pussycat, but you don’t look like one. You can be very intimidating. ” Nicky walked past Marco and patted his cheek, leaving Marco looking after him in outrage.

“Pussycat?” Marco repeated and growled at Nicky, who ignored him. Nicky stood by Ian. “Take your time, Ian, and don’t let the council rush you. I’m sure he’ll be scared to death and wants only to be with you right now. As a matter of fact, go back to him. He’s probably frantic without you. ”

Ian looked a little worried, but Marco grabbed Nicky’s arm from behind and turned him around. “Whose side are you on, anyway?” His tone was gruff, but he pulled Nicky into the shelter of his arm, tucking him against his side.

Nicky smiled up at him. “Yours, darling. Always yours. But I remember all too well how frightened I was at first when you weren’t with me. I’d have been frantic if you’d left while I was still in heat. Loganwill settle down in a little while, but don’t rush him, Ian. Since he was a Hunter, he’s going to have a lot to get used to once he can think straight again. He’ll be terribly conflicted. ”

Ian nodded and began to ease his way toward the door. “I’d better get back to him, Alpha. I’ll see if I can get him to talk later and let you know. Nicky’s right—he has a lot to get used to. ”

“Go ahead,” Marco said. “We can talk to him later. Try to calm him as much as you can. I’ll talk to you tomorrow. ” He turned to Nicky. “As for you, we need to have another word about involving yourself in council business. ”

Nicky whirled around with blood in his eye. “Oh really? Why is that, Marco? Because I’m just your mate, and nothing I have to say is import…” Whatever Nicky was about to say was lost as Marco jerked him into his arms and covered his lips in a passionate kiss.

Ian let himself out, glancing back to see Marco having a word with Nicky, his hands roaming over his body, while trailing kisses down the side of his neck. He closed the door softly on the sounds of Nicky’s pleasure-filled moans.

Logan turned on his side, his eyes fluttering open. He looked up at Ian sitting on the side of the bed and frowned uncertainly.

“How are you, Logan?Do you feel okay?” Ian asked.

“II don’t know exactly. Strange, hot. ” He sat up in bed, swaying unsteadily. “I have to take a piss. ”

“I’ll help you. ” Ian helped him to stand on his own two feet and pushed him gently toward the bathroom. Standing at the door, Ian watched him as he made his way to the toilet with dragging stumbling steps, still hot with the fever from the changes his body was going through and still in heat. Even watching him relieve himself his magnificent body turned Ian on. Once the Werekin changes completed, he’d truly be something to see.

Logan swayed and his legs buckled under him. Rushing to grab him before he hit the tiled floor, Ian picked him up effortlessly in his arms and looked down at him. Logan’s eyelids fluttered again, and hetwisted in Ian’s arm to lick Ian’s nipple.

Smiling, Ian carried him back to the bed and laid him down gently, pulling the sheet back over his naked body. Logan threw it off and reached for Ian with one hand. The other hand reached down between his own legs, and Ian’s gaze followed his hand. His erection was large and standing straight up. Logan put his hand on his dick and moved his hand up and down while looking up at Ian seductively.

Ian pushed his hand away and replaced it with his own. “We’re going to have to break you of a bad habit, baby. This is mine from now on, and only I get to play with it. ” He gazed down at Logan with mock seriousness, and Logan blushed, pushing frantically intoIan’s hand, until Ian stood up, pulled his shirt over his head and pushed down his jeans.

“I know what you want, baby, and I’m the one to take care of you. ” He lay down beside him and pulled Logan up to straddle his body, making a back rest with his legs. Logan’s legs spread automatically, straddling him as Ian lifted him and sat him down on top of his cock. Logan’s asshole, still well lubed and stretched from their earlier lovemaking, slid down, taking Ian in quickly, coming to rest against the knot. He gasped aloud, a shocked expression on his face, and Ian chuckled.

“You never ridden a wolf before, baby. I think I can promise you a wild ride. I’d better hang on to you, though, so you don’t fly off. Wouldn’t want my little man to get hurt. ” He enclosed Logan’s cock with his hand and squeezed it around the base until Logan yelped. “Hang on darlin’! I’m not going to let you come for a long time. Your first lesson in obedience. You’ll come when I tell you to and not before. I think I’d like to hear that sweet voice begging me just a little bit. C’mon, honey. Show me how you beg for it. ”

Logan whimpered. “Please, Ian. ”