Logan screamed. Sharp fangs sliced cleanly through his tender skin causing excruciating pain. A burning fire flared through him, lancing his spine with agony. He thought he could literally feel the hot poison from the fangs racing through his veins. He wanted to claw at his neck, but he was held down too firmly to do more than shake with rage and pain. The pain reached his groin, and the burning centered there, setting him

on fire.

He screamed even louder and writhed in agony. Just when he thought he’d pass out from the pain, it morphed into a searing rush of pleasure. He screamed, and his body arched with an incredible sensation rippling through him. Helpless, Logan could only moan as the pain faded away and wave after wave of sexual bliss took its place. He tried to reach for his cock, no longer burning, but throbbing and aching for a touch. The wolves on either side of him kept his arms imprisoned relentlessly. He yelled out some mindless sound and had a fucking climax, spurting his hands-free orgasm across the room. He arched his back and screamed one last time before the stars exploded behind his eyes. Blessed darkness fell down like a curtain.

He came awake slowly, first aware of the soft bed beneath him after days spent on the hard cot of the cell. He felt—wonderful—warm and strong, yet he wanted, no, he needed desperately, his hips twitching with his cock rigid and aching. He opened his eyes to three wolves staring down at him in what he could swear was no more than curiosity. His eyes passed over the first two and came to rest on the one who had bathed and bitten him. He jerked in surprise and recognition, and his cock got even harder. The presence of the other two faded from his awareness in comparison. They could have been statues craved of granite for all the attention he paid them.

The wolf who had bitten him, standing over him so gloriously naked, was simply the most beautiful, delightful, delicious creature he’d ever seen. He’d noticed before the wolf was handsome, but how could he not have noticed how gorgeous he was. Truly gorgeous, like a freakin’ movie star. He looked down at the wolf’s big cock and could swear a whimper came out of his own throat. Huge and thick, it was in partial erection, so Logan could see he was uncut, with an odd, round thing around the base of it, like nothinghe’d ever seen before. The monster cock leaked pre-cum, flowing down in a dribble from the head, just peeking out from the foreskin. Logan had never seen a man who hadn’t been circumcised before. Some tiny part of him was a little repulsed at the sight of the uncut cock and the thought of the animalistic nature of it touched his mind. Both only lasted for a moment, as he stared in admiration and lust. It was beautiful, really, natural and wild and primitive. When the wolf saw him staring at his cock, it suddenly began to swell into a huge, full erection. Logan, the conscious, aware part of him, wondered if it was for him, sprawled out naked on the bed. He hoped so, then flushed with shame, a whisper of disgust coming at him from the back of his mind. What was happening to him? Another whimper came out of his throat, and his hand reached for the wolf. All three of them smiled down at him and back at each other.

Logan didn’t care. He couldn’t stop himself from reaching. He didn’t want to stop. He wanted the man’s beautiful cock, standing up so long and thick from a mass of dark curls. He wanted nothing more than to taste it, lick it, and suck it like an ice cream cone, and shuddered. Where were these thoughts coming from? He shook his head as if to clear it, but it didn’t help. He still wanted nothing more than his fingers around the man’s cock. He touched, and the big man smiled down at him. He even patted him on the head. Would he let him taste it, too? Not even caring if the others watched, Logan put out his tongue and licked the enticing cock from the strange donut of flesh at the base to the tip. The big man gasped aloud and the pat on his head went to a clench, pulling his hair. He didn’t pull Logan away, and Logan went back for more.

He spoke softly to the others. “I can handle him from here. ” His voice sounded hoa rse. “Thanks for your help. I think I need to take care of him right away. ”

They nodded and moved away, leaving them alone together. Logan was desperate to get to his cock and thrilled when his beautiful man lay down beside him and gathered him in his arms. His man?

“No,” the voice in the back of his head whispered. “It’s wolf, an animal. You want nothing to do with it. ”

Logan didn’t want to hear. He wanted to listen to the man beside him.

“My name is Ian, and I want to mate you now. Do you understand?” He held Logan’s face between his hands and shook him slightly. “Concentrate. You aren’t too far gone to say no if you don’t want this. I’m going to mate with you. Sex. You’ve studied our customs. You know what that means. Do you understand?”

Logan nodded his head. He understood and though he’d never before wanted another man, he wanted this one. Wanted him so badly his hips already moved, his own cock rigid with need. He put his hand down to it and stroked himself, pulling at it as he gazed at the man. Ian, what a beautiful name. He tried it on his tongue. “Ian,” he said softly, and the big man smiled.

“That’s right, baby. Last chance before we start. Do you agree to mate with me?” Logan nodded again. “You can stop it if you want to, but only to a certain point. Once we reach that point, I won’t be able to stop. Understand?”

Logan’s head bobbed up and down eagerly. “Yes. I want you. Your body is…” He licked his lips and tried to express what he was feeling. “I think your body is amazing. ” Puzzlement nagged at him. “I’m not gay. I never wanted this before, but…”

Ian smiled at him tenderly and kissed the tip of his nose. Logan’s doubts melted away.

“Your body is amazing too, and sometimes the body knows better than the conscious mind. You want me, you want this, or your reaction wouldn’t be so strong,” Ian told him. “What’s your name, sweetheart?”

“L-Logan. ”

“Just Logan?”

“Logan Winters,” he murmured, cuddling closer to Ian, trying to get his nose up in Ian’s neck. He vaguely remembered there was some reason he never wanted to tell these men, these wolves, his full name, but he no longer cared. This man-wolf smelled so damn good.

Logan’s mind seemed to be almost split, with one large part of him trying to practically climb inside this beautiful man, and the other minuscule part standing back in amazement and confusion, telling him again he wasn’t gay and reminding him that this was a wolf, a monster, his enemy, and not a man.

All he could think about was sucking the big man’s cock. He’d always believed in the past that wolves were bad. Wolves were freaks, abominations of nature, evil. The confused part of him didn’t care, not anymore, not with the way the man looked into his eyes, not with what he saw there. He trusted this man with his life. It was unreasonable, and he knew that with a distant part of his mind, but the feeling was also true and he knew it.

“Your name is Logan Winters? Are you any relation to Elias Winters, baby?”

Logan nodded, frowning. His voice turnedbitter. “Yes,” he said, still trying to get closer. “He’s my father. ”

Ian drew back and smiled down at him. “Your father? Really?”

His voice had a surprised tone. Why was that? God, did he know his father? He pushed the idea away. He raised his gaze and saw the gorgeous man waiting patiently for his answer, his warm, dark eyes approving of him, admiring him, encouraging him, and he felt a little thrill run through him. He wanted to please him more than anything.

“Yes, he’s my father. ” He hated his father, didn’t want to think of him. He wanted the man lying next to him and put a hand around the back of his neck to pull him down.

“Sweetheart, let me explain something to you. Once we mate, you will belong to me. We’ll be together forever. You’ll never be alone. It will be my job to take care of you, protect you, and make sure you’re happy. Can you focus on that for just a minute?”

Logan nodding vigorously again. “Sure. ” Belong to him. Protect him and make him happy. How nice it would be to belong to someone who cared.

Ian chuckled softly. “You’re in heat, honey. I’m going to make love to you now and that should ease you some. Lie on your back, sweetheart. ”

Eagerly Logan lay down, though he couldn’t pull his hands away. His hips moved in anticipation, and he pulled again at his own cock. Ian gently pushed Logan’s legs apart and knelt between them. He tapped Logan’s hands and smiled teasingly.