They heard the sounds of some kind of uproar going on already. In the distance they saw people running here and there. Nicky pulled Logan’s arm.

“They know we’re gone. Hurry. We need to get as far away as possible so Marco can’t sense me. ”

“Followme,” Logan said. “I know a place we can go. ”

Nicky looked surprised, but followed along as Logan led the way, waving a hand to Rory as they left. Logan ran due north of the compound, off the trails, through some pretty dense underbrush. Nicky pulled on a coat to avoid scratching up his bare arms and plowed through the woods behind Logan, already protected with the camo he still wore. After about thirty minutes of making their way through the underbrush, they came to an old trail, mostly grown up, but still clear in some places. Logan followed the trail, again heading north of the compound. They walked for two hours, stopping a couple of times to rest. Logan was out of practice, and Nicky had been mostly se

dentary for months. They’d made about four miles, and both were growing a bit weary before Logan heard the sound of the waterfall he searched for. He led Nicky to the falls, and they climbed around to gain access. “Take off your clothes, roll them up and try to keep them dry. We have to go under the falls. ”

It wasn’t a huge torrent, like many of the falls in the area, more of a steady rain shower effect. Nicky followed Logan’s example, stripping off and rolling the blankets and clothes into a tight ball. They ducked through the falls and into a shallow cave beyond. The mouth of the cave was damp and wet, but further in, toward the back of the cave, it was dry with signs of people having camped there in the past.

“This is an old Hunters’ cave,” Logan explained. “Hasn’t been used in a while as you can see, not since we moved up closer to the compound,but it’s perfect for our needs. We can have a fire back here, and it just looks like spray or mist outside the cave. ”

“Plenty of handy water, too, but what happens if they come back?”

“There’s a back way out. ”

“I’ve never heard Marco mention this place, either. Perfect!”

They quickly set up their camp, making their pallets and beds and starting a small fire. Nicky looked over at Logan while he worked. “Do you know how to get us some food? We don’t actually have to eat, since the wolf’s blood will keep us nourished for a while, but I still get hungry. ”

Logan grinned. “My Hunter’s skills will come in handy. I can snare rabbits and kill birds with a sling shot I can make. Yeah, I can probably keep us fed pretty well. This stream has fishing further down too, and you can do that. I’ll make you a pole tomorrow. We can tear off the trimming on these blankets to make the strings we’ll need. There’s wild plants that are edible, too, and don’t taste too bad. It’s too late tonight, but I can get started in the morning. ”

“Great! We’re all set then. As long as we can keep away from the Hunters, we should be fine. ” He got very quiet for a moment. “Marco knows by now, and he’s upset. Ian too. I hate to cause him worry, but he needs to stop all his domineering bullshit. Casey still bosses Rory around too much, but he takes it. I can’t do it. I guess I’m too independent. ”

Logan nodded. “Me too. I really do love Ian, you know. Though I never thought I’d say that about another man. Seeing him hurt at the Hunters’ headquarters made me realize how I feel about him. I know the bite mademe think I love him, but it’s more than that now. I love him, plain and simple. I wish he realized that. ”

“He will. Give him a little time, Logan, and I promise he’ll come around. ”

“I hope so. I can’t stand feeling like he hates me. ”

Both young men were quiet, lying back on their pallets and feeding the fire as it grew darker outside, both lost in their thoughts.

Ian had never been so furious in his life. Not even when he came to the harsh realization Logan’s allegiance lay with the Hunters and he cared nothing for him. If it weren’t for his need for blood, Logan would never have come back with them. Logan choosing to live away from Mountainwood and only coming back for feedings infuriated him, though he did worry if he intended to come back at all.

Ian watched the interrogation in silence. Rory sat nervously in a chair with both Casey and Marco standing over him. Marco was browbeating the boy as much as Casey would allow. Occasionally, when Marco shouted too much, Casey would lean protectively over Rory and tell Marco to back off.

For over an hour Rory had doggedly stuck to the story he hadn’t seen Nicky or Logan . At last, his shoulders slumped, and he looked up at Casey, who squeezed his shoulder encouragingly.

“If you know something, sweetheart, tell them. It’ll be for the best, really. It’s dangerous for them to be out there with the Hunters around. ” “Maybe Marco should have thought of that before he banished them,” he said, darting a quick glance at Marco.

Marco growled menacingly, and Casey slapped a hand on his chest to push him away. “Back off, Marco. Let him tell it in his own way. ”

Rory sighed. “Okay. They went to my room and took some of my clothes, a couple of coats and stuff. Some blankets too. ” He looked up at Casey. “I didn’t tell you I noticed it when we got home. I’m sorry, but Nicky is my best friend. Logan’s a nice guy too, and Ian has been really hard on him. ”

Marco took a deep breath and lowered his voice a little. “I know, Rory, and I appreciate your loyalty to them. I really do. Of course, I was bluffing when I told Nicky he’d be banished. I would never have gone through with it with Hunters in the woods, but I was trying to force him to come around. Ian and I thought…well, no matter. Water under the bridge now. Tell us what you know, please. ”

He sighed deeply. “They came to me for feeding. I fed them both enough to hold them, I think, for a couple of weeks. They’re supposed to come back and feed again in two weeks. ”

“Where in the hell are they going to stay for two weeks? What will they eat? Hell, they could freeze to death out there at night. ” Marco paced, running his fingers through his hair until it stood up around his head. Ian was calmer.

“Marco, they have coats and blankets. They’re not going to freeze. Surely Logan knows how to start a fire. That’s not my biggest fear. I’m sorry to say it, but if Logan is as traitorous as I’m sure he is, he might lead Nicky into a trap. They could capture Nicky and use him as a bargaining tool. ” He paused and added, “Or bait. ”

“Oh my God!” Marco sat down hard, his face drained of all color. “Or worse. What if they tortured him? You know that smart mouth of his. God, Ian, he couldn’t stand up to torture. ”

Rory stood up. “Will you stop it?That’s not going to happen, Marco. I don’t believe it. Logan’s not like that, and Ian, you should know that better than anybody. He never resisted us one second, and we wouldn’t have gotten out of there so easy if not for the help he gave us. What’s wrong with you? Logan loves you,and you’re too stubborn to believe him. Get over it!”

Ian started up out of his chair, and again Casey jumped to protect Rory. The two growled at each other until Marco yelled sharply at them to settle down. “We can’t fight among ourselves like this. We have to find them!” He turned angrily to Ian. “And when we do, you need to step up and take care of your mate. I know what he did hurt you, but we all knew something like that could happen when you agreed to turn him and you have to accept it. You can’t walk away from your responsibilities. I won’t let you, and you’ll hate yourself for it in the end. No matter what, he’s a pet now and your mate. That used to mean something to you. ”