“Isn’t that because you bite them and cloud their minds? Make them believe they want things they don’t want? Like me?”

Marco spoke again. “Are youbeing forced to do things you don’t want, or are you free to do what you know is right? Are you unhappy with us, Logan? Do you not want to be here?”

“No!” He glanced at Ian. “I mean, no I want to be here, but I feel compelled to be and have to wonder if that’s because of me or because of what you did to me? Why do I have to drink blood anyway?Can’t I let my mind clear and see how Ifeel?”

Ian and Marco exchanged another glance. Logan got the feeling he was hurting Ian and leaned into him. Ian immediately put an arm around him. His touch calmed Logan right away, and he sagged a little, suddenly tired after his tirade.

Marco stood up. “When you’re feeling stronger, I’d like you to meet my mate, Nicky. I wasn’t able to court him properly and give him the choice before the Werekin bite either. He was attacked by muggers and would have died without the bite. He felt very much like you do when he first came to us, confused and angry. He didn’t understand why I made him do certain things, and he resented it. He’s a very strong-willed person, and he went without feeding for longer than anyone has in recent history. It almost killed him, Logan. We don’t want to put you at risk the same way. You’re having a harder time because of your training and background, but we can’t stop your feedings. Ultimately, they’re for your own good and will help you be healthy and strong. You have to trust us, Logan. We have only your best interests at heart. ”

“Yeah, I’ve heard that before. ”

“That’s because it’s true,” Ian said firmly. He stood up and walked with Marco to the door. “Thanks for coming, Marco. I’ll see you later at the council meeting. ”

Ian returned to Logan at the table. “You should eat something. Do you want me to take you downstairs?”

“No, I’m not really hungry. ” He looked up at Ian. “What will they do with the information I gave them? Will they attack the Huntersnow?”

“I’m really not sure what we’ll do, but we won’t attack. You heardMarco. We aren’t the aggressors. You’ve given us a lot to absorb. We’ll talk about it at council and decide. ” He hesitated, his reluctant obvious. “Logan, I have to tell you Marco has finally been in touch with your father. ”


“He knows we have you. ”

“What did he say? Did you tell him what you did to me? Tell me. ”

Ian took the message out of his pocket. “We didn’t tell him much of anything. It was delivered by a third party who didn’t know we’d given up on any negotiations, or that I’d taken you for my mate. ” Heput a hand over Logan’s while Logan read a scribbled note.

We have Logan. Release possible with terms.

Below that in a different handwriting, one Logan recognized as his father’s, was the answer.

No man would allow himself be captured or stay alive if he was. He is dead to me. Dispose of the body as you will. Logan pulled his hand from under Ian’s and stood. “I’m going to lie down for a while. ” “This has hurt you. ”

“Fuck him!He wasn’t there. How the hell does he know anything?” He ran his hand

through his hair. “Shit, maybe he’s right. Maybe I should have killed myself rather than let myself be captured. ” “It doesn’t make you less of a man, Logan. You fought fiercely. The wolves all spoke of it. Don’t do this to yourself. ” He moved to enfold Logan in his arms.

“No,” Logansaid, pushing at his chest. “Just leaveme alone for a while. ”

“When you hurt, I hurt. ”

Ian wouldn’t let go, and Logan erupted, pulling Ian’s shirt open with one rip of his hands, buttons flying. He went after Ian’s pants next, jerking them open, peeling them down his legs, and pushing him to his back on the floor, all in one action. Ian looked surprised, but didn’t struggle against him, letting him do what he wanted with him. He had Ian’s cock in his mouth before Ian’s big body settled. Ian made no protests, not until Logan jerked his own pants open, twisting to line his cock up with Ian’s hole.

“Logan, I’ve given you some leeway, knowing you’re upset, but…”

“Please,” Logan begged, hooking his arms under Ian’s knees. “Please. ”

With only a moment’s hesitation, Ian relaxed and let him push his legs up, raising his ass in the air. Logan’s trembling fingers swiped pre-cum from both their cocks, smeared Ian’s hole, and plunged in. His hips pumped into Ian with only one objective. Ian’s cock was only half-hard, rea

cting to the unfamiliar position and pain. Logan put his hand on Ian’s cock, pulling at it.

“Come for me,” he cried out“Come for me, Ian. ”

He stroked at him harder and harder, causing Ian to moan and twist with pleasure. Ian came, shooting strong, thick streams of cum over his own belly and chest. Logan followed, groaning his release, grinding intoIan’s ass, and ended in a sob. The frenzy finished, he crawled up Ian’s body, nestled his forehead against Ian’s neck and wept.

“Let’s talk about how to take them out . ”

Ian looked at Logan in surprise. “Honey, I know you’re angry. ”