The door to the bedroom opened, and Ian came in chasing doubts away. In the flesh, Logan’s instant reaction stirred his cock. Ian walked over to the bed, bent down, took Logan in his arms, and kissed him thoroughly, sweeping his tongue inside his mouth and swirling it over his lips, stirring Logan’s cock even more.

“Good morning, sweetheart . Get up and take a quick shower. The alpha is here, waiting to speak to you. ”

Logan groaned, but Ian pulled him out of bed, put him on his feet, and gave him a pat on the ass. “Go ahead. We’ll be waiting for you outside. There’s coffee. ”

Blushing, Logan went obediently into the bathroom to take a shower. He didn’t quite understand how he felt compelled to do whatever he was told to do by Ian, and it embarrassed him at how easily controlled he was. Like a child. Ian kind of treated him like a child— except for the near constant demand for sex.

The worst thing was he had come to need the sex with Ian like he needed to breathe. He loved everything about the big wolf, and his whole world revolved around him. If only he could relax and enjoy the relationship, without feeling like he was pathetic and emasculated. He could only imagine what his father would say if he knew.

He took a quick shower, dried off, and dressed in the usual leather pants and black Tshirt. One thing about his new life, it took a lot of the decision-making away. He didn’t seem to have to make any choices anymore. Every decision was made for him. Very different from what he’d come to think of as his old life. Or was it?

For as long as he could remember his father had made all of the important decisions in his life—once he acknowledged he had a son and that son was old enough to take his interest. Where to go to school, even who his friends would be. As Elias Winter’s only son, he was constantly reminded he had certain standards to live up to. Hell, even in choosing his career for him, his father had dictated how Logan

would dress. Joining the group his father led called The Hunters just as soon as he finished high school was expected. He’d wanted to go to college but no college education was needed to be a soldier. He wasn’t made one of the leaders either, but joined as one of the rank and file. His father demanded he learn things the hard way, from the ground up.

His training had been intense, worse than any boot camp. Six months of physical training, combat and infantry skills, survival skills, and rifle training. For the next year, he’d gone out on reconnaissance with various groups, searching for rogue wolves and wolf clans. It was dangerous duty, and some teams never came back. Through all this training, his father never once contacted him, nor was he allowed to get in touch with his father. No way the general being his father was going to make things easier for him. The old man was tough, and he believed everything he did made Logan that much stronger and tougher too. In point of fact, it just made him feel alone and alienated, both things Ian had told him he’d sensed after the first bite. Ian said the bite sometimes released a human’s deepest secret feelings and their inhibitions.

His conflicting feelings about his father were nothing new to Logan. The possibility of being gay was. He wasn’t a homosexual, or at least he’d never thought of himself as gay even if he never really got the whole gay bashing thinghe’d witnessed in others. He didn’t see what two guys having sex did to hurt anyone else. He didn’t think that made him gay, even if he’d never had a girlfriend and had never been interested in girls, really. Not that interested in sex, actually. The schedule his father kept him on never left much time for it, even the hookers his father approved of. He liked being with guys and had sometimes admired their bodies in the shower after workouts, though he had always looked away. He didn’t know if it was because hefelt guilty in admiring them and worried he’d want more if he kept looking, or if it meant nothing at all. All he knew was he wanted as muchof Ian’s body as he could get and felt guilty and dirty because of it.

He wondered briefly what his father knew about his fate. Did he think he was dead? Would he prefer him to be dead than living as one of the wolf clan? Hell, yeah he would, and Logan shoved the thoughts out of his head for the meeting.

Ian and the big alpha sat together at the table talking quietly when he walked into the main room. They both turned to look at him. Ian smiled at him and held out his hand. Logan walked over to stand beside him, and let him take his hand, pulling him into the chair beside him. Marco, the alpha, smiled at him too.

“Hello, Logan. How are you feeling?”

“Fine. ” He resisted leaning into Ian the way his body wanted to automatically. He may as well be a magnet and Ian steel.

“What can you tell us about The Hunters?”

“Well, I know there are a lot of us—them. Maybe a thousand throughout the Blue Ridge Mountains. More on the west coast. My father is the leader. It’s been a kind of hereditary thing in our family for generations. The leadership always goes to the oldest son. ”

“Are you his oldest son?”

“His only son. ”

Ian and Marco gave each other a lookLogan couldn’t read, making him curious.

“What can you tell me about your training?” Marco asked.

Logan began to talk, detailing the six months of physical and combat training, telling them everything he knew, including the scent dampeners the Hunters’ scientists had developed and how long it lasted. He told them where the training took place, who conducted it, and when the next training was scheduled to begin. He told them where the nearest compound was and of the warehouse there the Hunters used to store their munitions, and gave them information on who the leaders were. In short, he told them everything they needed to know about the east coast operation, even drew them maps.

“That’s closer than I thought it’d be,” Marco commented, looking at the map. “Less than a two or three hour drive from here. ”

“Now we know why we’ve been seeing more of them,” Ian said, concern etched in his features.

Logan sagged, drained after talking for over an hour. The entire time he talked he suffered a split sensation, one part standing outside of himself, looking on in horror, watching in disbelief while this other part of him spilled his guts. Ian, always aware of his feelings, covered his hand and bent down to him.

“Are you all right?” he asked.

“I-I think so. I just can’t shake this feeling I’m a traitor. ”

“They lied to you, Logan, about what we are,” Ian said to comfort him.

Marco leaned forward. “Don’t think of it as being a traitor, Logan. The information you gave us is very valuable and may save many innocent lives. I can promise you we are not the aggressors here. We will do nothing to jeopardize our way of life and our secrecy from the general public. We only want to be left alone. We’ll defend ourselves if necessary, but we don’t attack humans. ”

“What about the human pets like me?Where did they come from?”

Ian spoke from beside him. “There aren’t any like you, Logan. Yours was a special case. We did the most humane thing we could think of and that was to make you one of us. The other pets who are here are all blood matches to their wolves. There aren’t many of them, really—only about a dozen, including the alpha’s pet. Each one of them wants to be here with their mate. ”