“We need you to tell us everything you can remember. The memories will begin to come back stronger in a few hours or days. It’s important you tell Ian all you know when they do. Ian’s life, as well as ours, could depend on it. ”

“I-I remember my father is a leader,” Logan said with a rush of alarm. “He can be very— harsh. I don’t think he would bargain for me or come for me if that’s what you’re thinking. ”

“Would he talk to you as a liaison for us?”

“He won’t talk to anyone for you. He thinks you’re animals. ” Confused, not sure where the information was coming from, he stumbled over the next words. “He-he would expect me to-to get myself out of any situation I found myself in. He would expect me to be-to be a man. If I couldn’t escape, he’d expect me to k-kill myself. ”

Casey smirked. Logan’s irritation grew for the wolf, manifesting as an uneasiness in the center of his chest and a tenseness in his muscles.

“If that meant he wanted you to be brave, that’s a joke,” Casey taunted. “Hunters are all cowards. They use snipers and attack from the shadows, not openly like wolves. ”

“Casey,” Marco said in warning.

Logan looked up and made eye contact with him for the first time. An invisible spark flashed between them across the table. Ian had turned to speak to the alpha, missing the look that passed between them.

Casey raised his eyebrows and smiled mockingly. He leaned across the table and spoke softly to him. “You’re not acting much like a man now, are you, little Hunter?”

With a sudden surge, all the anger he’d been suppressing came back. Logan shot to his feet, pulling away from Ian’s hand. “Fuck you, asshole!”

Casey lunged, caught Logan by his bare arms and jerked him across the table. Instantly, Ian leapt across the table, threw Casey off Logan, and took him to the floor. Marco and all the gammas jumped forward, pulling the two apart and forcing Logan back by the bulk of their bodies.

One of the gammas herded Logan out into the hallway, not touching him, but crowding him back, looking at him solicitously. “Are you injured?” he asked him anxiously.

Logan shook his head in a daze. He had livid bruises already coloring his arms from Casey’s hands. They felt like they had been squeezed to a pulp, but hecouldn’t think of anything at that moment except Ian, terrified he was getting hurt. He tried to go back inside, but the gamma stood protectively in front of the closed door. After several tense minutes, the door opened, and Ian stepped outside. He stalked grimly toward Logan, took his hand, and pulled him from the hallway, down the corridor and up the stairs to their quarters. Logan had no choice but to run along behind him, sureif he’d fallen, Ian would have simply dragged him along, like a caveman.

When they arrived at their quarters, Ian jerked open the door, slammed it behind them, and wh

irled to face him. “Do you have any idea how badly you could have been hurt?” Ian came toward Logan as he backed up. “Do you?”

“I-uh…” Logan continued to back away until he hit the wall behind him. He held out his hands to ward off the blow he thought was coming. Ian walked up to him, slapping the hands down with contempt.

“Don’t be ridiculous. ” He took him by the wrists and looked at the bruises on his arms. His face tightened for a moment, but he pulled his gaze back to Logan’s eyes. “You deliberately baited that hot head. Damn it, Logan!”

The baiting had been from the other side, but Logan didn’t argue. “I’m not afraid of him. ”

“Then you’re stupid! He could break you in half!What if I hadn’t been there?” Ian pulled his fist back and slammed it into the wall beside Ian’s head, shattering the sheetrock.

“If you hadn’t been there, I could have handled it. I’m not helpless, even if he is a big gorilla. ” Logan yelled back at him, even though a part of him rebelled against it. In the next minute hewas in Ian’s arms, being carried to the bedroom. Ian threw him on the bed, pacing up and down in front of him, obviously trying to calm himself. He walked back and forth several times, then snarled, “The hell with it!” Turning, Ian flung himself down beside him and took Logan’s chin in his hand, forcing Logan to look at him.

“Do you have any idea what it felt like when he put his hands on you that way? Do you? You’re mine, damn it! He had no fucking right to touch you!” He jumped back to his feet and paced again. “I told you I’d never touch you again unless you asked me to. Unless you wanted it. Tell me you want it, Logan, please. ”

Logan felt a hard shiver go down his spine fromIan’s desperate tone.

“Tell me. ”

Logan was drawn into Ian’s dark gaze. His eyes seemed to glitter at him, and he smelled so damn goodLogan’s body trembled.

“If you don’t tell me you want this, I’ll let you go. I’ll leave right now, and you won’t have to see me again. ”

“No!” Logan wasn’t sure if he said it outloud or not, but the idea of Ian’s leaving him slammed through him like a freight train. He hadn’t realized until this moment how dependent he was on this big wolf, how much he needed him. More, how much he wanted him. Still, how could he say he wanted this wolf to fuck him? The idea was unthinkable. It was ludicrous. It was as exciting as hell.

He shook his head miserably. “II can’t-can’t say it. ”

Ian made a harsh growling sound and paced back and forth again. His big, muscular body oozed sexuality. “If I can’t make love to you, I’ll have to leave tonight. I’ll come back, but I can’t…I won’t be able to…damn it!I can’t stay here and not claim you as mine. ”

He stopped in front of Logan and tore off his own clothing, standing before Logan naked, his big body gorgeous as his tense muscles flexed. His huge hard cock dripped precum, jutting out in front of him, almost touching Logan’s lips.

“Tell me you don’t want me then. Say the wordsand I’ll leave you alone. ”