e walked over and poured a cup of coffee, repeating his question. “Are you?”

Ian smiled at him. “Maybe just a little. How are you feeling, Rory? Did you sleep well?”

Rory smiled shyly. “Yes, very well, thanks. ”

“Eat some breakfast, honey,” Casey told him. “You haven’t had anything for hours. ”

“I just want coffee for now. Maybe later. ”

Casey filled a plate with some toast and eggs and pushed it over to him. “Eat. I don’t want you to get sick. ”

Rory sighed and blushed. “Oh all right. ” He picked up a fork and began to eat, while Casey watched him carefully. He must have been hungrier than he thought, because he finished it in just a few minutes. Ian smiled across the table at Casey and nodded.

A knock came on the door, but before Ian could open it, Nicky poked in his golden head and bounced into the room and over to the table. Marco came in more slowly and much more solemnly. Nicky bent down and hugged Rory, smiling over at Casey. “Hey, brat! Are you still causing trouble?”

Rory rolled his eyes. “God, did you have to bring Nicky, Marco? My life is not irritating enough?”

Nicky laughed and went back over to Marco, who opened his arms, it seemed, automatically. Nicky certainly had Marco well trained, Casey thought with amusement. Then Rory scooted his chair over next to his and leaned heavily against him. He immediately put an arm around him. The little sneer on Casey’s face at Marco’s expense suddenly died as he realized Rory was doing the same thing to him.

Marco spoke to Rory. “Nicky wanted a chance to see you, Rory, but I think it would be a good idea if you and I went for a walk. Nicky wants to talk to Casey alone. ”

Rory turned to Casey. “Is it okay if I go with him?”

Marco frowned, but Casey thrilled at the fact he asked permission and kissed the top of Rory’s head. “Sure, baby, go ahead. I’ll stay and talk to Nicky. ”

“I don’t have any clothes,” Rory said, blushing.

Ian stood up. “I’ll get you some of mine, Rory. They’ll be a little big, but you can roll them up. It’ll get you to your room for your own clothes, anyway. ”

Rory glanced at Casey, hesitating to see if Casey objected before he said, “Okay, thanks, Ian. ”

In a few minutes, they all left, including Ian, who was on his way to a council meeting. Marco made sure the door was left open and glanced back, looking nervous as he left.

Nicky sat down across from Casey and smiled at him. “So you crazy about my boy or what?”

Casey smiled back at him. “Yeah, pretty much. ”

“You know he saved my life twice. I may tease him, but there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for him. ”

“Me either. ”

“Good answer. Now let’s see if you really mean it. ”

“What are you talking about?”

“Marco wants to make you an offer. Now don’t say no right away, just because you don’t like Marco. You two are both too alpha to ever like each other, but maybe you can come to an understanding. For Rory’s sake. ”

“About what?” Casey’s face creased with suspicion.

“About staying on here indefinitely. ” Nicky held his hand up. “Now wait before you get all mad and huffy. Marco is willing to let the Sapphire Valley Wolf Pack join with ours. It would be good for your people and bring them prosperity and safety. With the Hunters being such a threat and on the move again, there’s safety in numbers. He would build you your own wing, and make your people welcome to our pack. We have our own doctor, our own school. It really would be to your benefit to join us. ”

“And what about me, Nicky? I’m their alpha. A pack can’t have two. ”

“No, but again with the Hunters posing such a threat, we do need a battle commander, someone strong and a good leader, whom the other wolves would look up to. It needs to be an alpha. You would take orders directly from the council, not necessarily Marco. What do you say?”

Casey hesitated, looking down at the table. Nicky pressed his advantage when Casey didn’t say no immediately. “Rory would be so happy to stay here with his family. You know, his little brother really needs him now that his mother is getting older. ” Nicky caught his eye and fluttered his lashes. “Please, Casey. ”

Casey rolled his eyes and smiled. “You really are something, aren’t you? I was warned about you, and every warning was right on. ” He laughed. “All right. I agree. But I want all this in writing, so Marco can’t back out of it. ”