Nicky’s orgasm seared its way through his body and as he began to spurt, he gave in to mindless pleasure, coming so hard when Marco’s love bite clamped down on his throat he almost blacked out, and the room went dim around him. When Marco climaxed, seconds later, Nicky was hardly even aware of it for the waves of ecstasy shaking his body. When he came back to himself, Marco was kissing him all over his face and down his throat.

“Who do you belong to, baby?”

“You and only you forever,” Nicky said dazedly, already drifting off to sleep. He raised one eyelid. “And what about you, Marco? Who do you belong to?”

Marco smiled. “You, darling. Always and forever. ”

Nicky nodded, satisfied. “Good,” he said, and went contentedly back to sleep.

It was much later when Nicky rolled over and nuzzled Marco to wake him up. “We’re still on the floor, babe. ”

“Mmm-hmm. ”

Nicky laughed and kissed him again. “So now that I’ve had my refresher course, can I go see Casey?”

Marco nodded, and Nicky leaned over for a kiss to seal the deal.

“So long as you’re not totally alone with him. Leave the door open, and don’t you dare touch him again. I have to protect my mate too, you know. ” He pulled Nicky closer, smiling over Nicky’s little self-satisfied moans.

Nicky, of course, was thoroughly tempted to be bad, just to have to suffer his lesson again.

Rory woke up slowly, stretching like a cat. The bed was warm and cozy, and he could hear a storm raging outside the windows. He was a little sore and his backside was achy, but mostly he felt wonderful. He turned over to find Casey stretched on his back beside him, his arms thrown up over his head, and snoring gently with his mouth open. Smiling, he put a leg over Casey’s and snuggled up close to him before to putting a finger under his chin and closing his mouth. Casey snorted and jumped, only half awake. His arms flailed in the air and Rory pushed them down. He pulled Casey closer, patting him. “Settle down, baby, I’m right here. ”

Coming more fully awake, Casey opened his eyes wider in surprise. “Rory!” “Hi, baby,” Rory smiled down at him.

“Hi yourself. Are you…are you all right?” Casey looked closely at him.

“Of course I am. Why wouldn’t I be?”

“Uh…I don’t know. You’ve been kind of uh…in heat…for the past twenty-four hours or

so. ”

“I have? In heat, huh? I don’t remember a thing about it. The last thing I remember was you

were making love to me. We’re mated now, right?”

“Oh yeah. Definitely mated. We were tied up for hours. You sure you don’t remember any

of it?”

“No, not a thing. Well, I do kind of remember your knot and didn’t you feed me your blood

at one point?”

“Yes,” Casey said slowly. “Several times actually, trying to calm you. You were a little

upset. ”

“About what?”

Casey sat up and pulled some pillows behind him before pulling Rory up to settle him

against his arm. “When we were making love…when you started to have the multiple orgasms

that the gland and bite bring on, you—you tried to shift. ”

“I did?”