“Where are you taking him?” Marco demanded.

“Back to my pack. They’ve been without my guidance long enough. ”

“You can’t take him away from the only home he’s ever known. ”

“He’s mine now. He belongs with me in my home just like your mate does with you,” he said pointedly.

“I can’t kill you for what you’ve done, but I can stop you from taking your revenge out on Rory. You aren’t going to hurt him. ”

Casey looked at him with disgust. “He’s mine, and I’ll do what I want to him. That’s all you need to know. ”

“Watch your mouth, asshole! You’re on my turf now!” Marco bristled visibly and acted like he would have attacked if Nicky hadn’t stood between them. He settled for pointing a finger in Casey’s face. “You won’t leave here with him. Is that clear? If you try, I’ll stop you!”

“You can’t keep me here against my will! My pack will attack you. ”

“Yeah, well, bring it! You’re free to go any time you want to—Rory is not going anywhere!”

“He’s my mate. I won’t leave without him. ”

“Then you got a problem, don’t you?”

The two alphas glared at each other, neither willing to give an inch.

Casey stood for a long moment with his fists clenched before turning and going back into the room with Rory, slamming the door in Marco’s face. Rory was still sound asleep. He slipped off his jeans and got into bed beside him, wrapping his arms around his waist and pulling his hot body up close to him. He kissed the side of his neck and trailed kisses down to his shoulder, giving it a little nip. Casey thought he’d never be able to get enough of him. He put his hand over Rory’s smooth penis, fingering the base, stunned by the lack of Rory’s knot. It dissolved, was absorbed into his body, or something when they mated, or maybe when his wolf died. Either way his penis was no longer wolfish in shape, but like a human’s or a pet’s.

Mine, he thought possessively, stroking it tenderly. Rory moaned in his sleep. He thought about his words the night before and how prophetic they had been. No more wolf for you, baby. That’s your punishment, sweetheart. He smiled to himself. Now I’ve seen to it you’ll never shift again.

He meant what he’d said to Marco. He was glad Rory’s wolf, the bestial, murderous part of him, was gone. Rory was different now, and his life would be changed forever. He loved Rory— he couldn’t deny that. But he owed his brother some measure of revenge, and he had to see this through and not be weakened by his feelings for Rory. The first steps had been taken. Now he had to stay the course. Rory was no longer a wolf, but a pet, and his mate. Casey’s natural dominant nature thrilled to the idea. He hadn’t been able to kill Rory, but he’d killed the wolf, and Rory belonged to him. Body and soul. Maybe he hadn’t been honest with Rory and told him who he really was, but he hadn’t lied when he said he’d take care of him.

Nicky stared out the window at the coming storm. The clouds were gathering over the mountain, piling up on top of each other and competing to see which one could turn the darkest blue. The sky was taking on the strange, almost greenish hue that sometimes comes before a bad storm, and electricity seemed to crackle in the air. Marco tugged on his back pocket and pulled him down into his lap.

“Don’t stand by the window—we’re about to have a lightning storm. ” Nicky put his head down on Marco’s shoulder. “What’s the matter, baby?” Marco said softly. “Is it Rory?”

“Yes,” he said with a sigh. “I kind of miss him already. ”

Marco tightened his lips. “He’s not gone anywhere yet. I’ve given orders not to let them leave until I say so. ”

“You can’t keep them here forever if Casey wants to leave. ”

“Watch me. ”

“Oh, Marco, be serious. You never given much thought to the family I left behind when I became werekin. You only knew you had to have me, and I belonged with you. Rory’s his mate now, and he gave himself to Casey willingly. ”

“Under false pretenses. Casey didn’t tell him who he really was or what his intentions were. ”

“He tried so hard to avoid this situation, and we kept telling him he had to face it. Now look what’s happened. ”

Marco put a hand to Nicky’s cheek. “It was a blood match, baby. I just wish I’d discovered who he was before they mated. Rory would have had all the information at least and could have decided if he wanted to stay away from him. ”

“He still can if he has the strength to. ”

“I don’t think he’s that strong. It took everything I had to stay away from you as long as I did. I couldn’t have kept it up much longer. ”

Nicky gave him a kiss and stood to pace around the room. “I need to talk to Casey again. I have to tell him about his brother. ”

“I think you need to stay out of this and let me handle it. ”

“I’m involved in this too, Marco. I’m the one his brother kidnapped, you know. I know what he told me and I saw his face. I know what he was planning to do to me, and if Casey understands that, he’ll understand why Rory attacked him. ”