Instantly Marco released some of the pressure, but didn’t take away his hands. Other wolves were flooding the corridor by the doorway and spilling outside beside them, firing questions in alarm.

Keeping one arm tightly around Nicky, Marco turned to face them. “The rogues were just outside, after my mate. ”

Harsh sounds of growling and outrage resulted with one or two of the younger wolves actually howling in anger. Marco pushed Nicky to one of the men Nicky had learned recently was his beta wolf. “Take him upstairs and to my rooms immediately. Post guards at the doors and windows. ” He dropped a kiss on Nicky’s lips, then turned quickly to the other wolves. “Shift and hunt them down!”

Nicky watched in fascination and a bit of horror as the men pulled off their clothes in a frenzy, throwing them all over the corridor. They dropped to their knees in front of him and quickly began to shift into huge wolves. His eyes were glued to Marco, his Alpha, the biggest of all of them, a beautiful silver gray wolf with burning eyes. Snarling and shoving each other, they rushed out into the night. Nicky stood silently, upset and frightened by the frenzied anger of his Alpha.

The beta wolf, whose name Nicky remembered was Ian, took him by the arm and led him upstairs quickly. Two more wolves fell in behind them as they walked up the stairs, and when they reached the room they put him firmly on the bed and stood around him, guarding him. Two others came in and stood by the window, looking out into the darkness.

Nicky trembled and whimpered. Right away, Ian bent down to reassure him. “No harm will come to you, Pet. We’d give our lives to protect you. ”

Nicky didn’t bother to tell him he wasn’t frightened for himself, but for Marco. The look on the Alpha’s face had been vicious and terrible. He was afraid he’d get in a fight of some kind and be injured. Or even be killed. The thought of Marco being killed, lying cold and still somewhere out there made him burst into racking sobs he couldn’t control. The wolves standing around him had no idea what to do with him. They took turns patting his shoulder, careful to barely touch him only with their fingertips.

Relief didn’t come until he sensed Marco close by. He could smell his distinctive caramel cream smell an instant before Marco came in the door and looked horrified to see the condition of his mate, curled up in a miserable ball, racked with shuddering sobs. “What’s happened?” he shouted. “What have you done to him?”

He gathered Nicky into his lap, and Nicky curled up around him still shaking badly.

“Nothing, sir! I swear it! He just started shaking and crying and none of us could calm him. ”

“Leave us!” Marco yelled, and the room cleared quickly.

Marco held Nicky tightly in his arms, rocking him gently back and forth until he finally quieted. “Are you feeling better, sweetheart?”

“Y-yes,” Nicky gasped. “I’m so sorry and embarrassed. I never used to be like this. So, so damn needy and girly. I can’t remember crying since I was a little kid. What’s happening to me, Marco?”

“Maybe I’ve been over feeding you, honey. I’ve been trying to calm you, but perhaps I’m trying too hard, too soon. My blood is nourishing for you, but it makes you nervous without me and scared to be away from me. I guess I need to just back off a little. ”

“I was terrified that something happened to you. I couldn’t stand it if anything happened to you. ”

“I know, sweetheart, that’s why I reacted so strongly too. The idea of the rogues taking you away from me enraged me. I shifted in front of you, didn’t I?”

“Yes, only the second time I’ve really seen you do it. It happened at the wedding ceremony like you said it might. ”

“I hope it didn’t frighten you too badly tonight. Is that why you were crying so?”

“No, not at all. I thought it was amazing to watch you shift. You’re so handsome even as a wolf. I was only afraid for you. ”

Marco laughed and kissed him. “So sweet. You’ve had quite a night. I’m going to take you to bed. ”

“Okay,” he said eagerly.

“Not so fast, baby. I meant to sleep. We’ve had enough excitement for one night. ”

Marco picked up a disappointed Nicky and put him carefully under the covers. “Sleep tight, baby. I have to go back out to speak to the men for a few minutes, and I’ll be right back. Will you be all right?”

Nicky nodded, already feeling sleepy. Despite his eagerness for more sex, he was exhausted. He was almost asleep before Marco left the room.

Chapter Five

A strong hand took him by the throat and held on tightly, choking him. Nicky sputtered awake with a start, his arms flailing. A big hand clamped over his mouth.

“Grab his arms—he’s fighting me. Watch out, he’s kicking. ”

Nicky was fighting his unknown assailants with everything he had. Fear clutched at him as he realized no one but rogues would dare lay violent hands on the Alpha’s mate. Hands all over him held him down and wrapped cords around his limbs. Another damn rag was stuffed in his mouth, and one of the dark figures threw him over his shoulder, taking him to the window.

“Hand him to me—I’ll take him. ” A hoarse voice whispered below him, and Nicky was lowered down to someone on the ground. Cold and naked, he dropped the last few feet, but ready hands caught him, preventing him from injury. Several dark figures gathered around him in the brig

ht moonlight, lifted him up and ran. Nicky bucked his hips and struggled violently.