Nicky shrugged, embarrassed. “No, Marco didn’t kill him. I did. ”

Nicky raised his eyebrows. “You!”

Rory flushed. “Yeah, me. They took you and my little brother—I was angry. You were both my responsibility, and I didn’t protect you. I didn’t exactly mean to kill him, but he tried to use the knife on me too. ”

Nicky was very quiet for a moment, before Rory smiled gently. “Thank you, Nicky. ”

Nicky’s skin colored, and he shrugged again, embarrassed at the attention. “Did Marco sense me? Is that how he knew where to find us?”

“Yes. He senses you pretty strongly, Nicky. He knows everything you do. ”

“Everything? But last night, he thought I was running away. ”

“Nah. Only for a little while when I first told him you were gone. He was so upset he wasn’t thinking straight. ” He shrugged. “Last night he was probably seeing if you’d be honest with him about the whole thing. He’d already figured it out by then and tore me a new asshole. ”

“I didn’t exactly lie, but he did say something about training me tonight. ”

“I’m sorry, Nicky. I should never have taken you outside. Then to fall asleep when I was supposed to be watching you was really stupid. You could have been badly hurt. ”

His apology was so sincere, Nicky was a little touched by it. Maybe Tara was right. The wolves did seem to care a lot for their safety. “Thanks, Rory. It was mostly my fault for talking you into it. ”

“I’m glad you feel that way, brat, ‘cause I gotta put you in lockdown all day. ” “Huh?”

“Marco’s orders. He thinks extra restraints might help calm you some. He ordered me to cuff you to the bed all day. ”

“What? Fuck that!”

“Cussing again, too. He doesn’t like that. ” Rory stood up and pulled the cuffs from his pocket, advancing on the bed.

After a brief but violent struggle, Nicky was cuffed to the bed and spitting curses. Rory kept calm throughout the tussle and never lost his temper. Nicky was impressed despite his anger. Rory was becoming a more dominant wolf every day, and Nicky was surprised at his strength. He sat with him until early afternoon, uncuffing him only to go to the bathroom and eat lunch. Nicky hated every moment of it.

Marco didn’t return until around three o’clock and immediately came over to let him out of the cuffs. “Has he been in these all day?” he asked sharply.

Rory lowered his eyes. “Yes, just like you told me. ”

“Good. ” He chafed Nicky’s wrists and kissed his forehead. “I’m sorry, Nicky. We restrain our pets to help them adjust. I know you hate it, but it’s necessary. You’re way too rebellious, and I have to take steps to control you. I can’t let your feral nature take over. ”

Rory went to the door. “Well, if you don’t need me anymore, I’ll get going. ” He left before Marco could say another word.

“I’m still angry with him for his terrible lack of judgment yesterday. ”

Nicky stayed quiet, still seething over being locked in cuffs all day.

“How are you feeling? Any calmer?”

Nicky wanted to be sullen, but Marco looked so worried, he wanted to make him feel better. He lied to him

. “Yeah, I’m fine. ”

“Are you sure? I’m picking up some untruthfulness in your thoughts. ”

“I don’t like all this, Marco. I feel like I’m in prison. Maybe this was all a mistake. Maybe I’m the wrong kind of person for this to work. ”

“Don’t say that, Nicky. You’re perfect. I just haven’t had the time to properly train you. ” “I’m not a dog. ”

“I never said you were. ” Marco’s tone was amazed. Nicky could see he had no idea how demeaning all this was for him.

“I’m not a submissive. ”