“Are you kidding? Marco would kill me for taking you out. ”

“Just to the gardens near the house. You can tell him I begged you to go—he won’t get mad. C’mon, man. Like you said, it’s beautiful outside. I’ll even let you use the leash without a hassle. Anything to get out of here for a few minutes. I’m going stir crazy. ”

“I don’t know,” Rory said, looking longingly out the window. “Marco said to stay inside. The rogue pack has been spotted nearby. ”

“How will he know, Rory? I’m not going to tell him. ”

“Have you forgotten he can read your mind, Nicky? Sense you, anyway. He’d know for sure if we went out. ”

“Not if I jam my signals. ”


“I’ll sing in my head or something. That should jam his radar a little. C’mon—just ten minutes. We’ll stretch ou

r legs a little. Get a little sun. What do you say?”

“Sing in your head, huh? You think that would work?”

Nicky grinned. “Only one way to find out. ”

Rory smiled back at him, unbending a little. “Okay, let’s go, but if we get in trouble for this, I’m telling Marco you got away from me and ran outside. You really think the singing thing will work?”

“No, but I guess we’ll find out. ”

Rory muttered some cuss words under his breath.

Nicky shook his head. “I heard that and back at you. C’mon, let’s go. ”

Rory got his leash and firmly snapped it on, his look daring Nicky to argue. Nicky didn’t argue, keeping his promise, only too happy to be getting out of the room for a while, no matter what. After taking off his cuffs, Rory led him down the stairs and out into the warm, bright sunshine. Rory walked along the trail surrounding the big house, pulling Nicky behind him. As soon as they got out of sight of the windows, Nicky took hold of the leash, stopped walking, and jerked. Rory, strolling ahead and not paying any attention, landed on his butt on the trail. His look of utter surprise made Nicky laugh out of control, holding his sides and falling onto a bench by the side of the trail going through the garden.

“What the heck did you do that for, brat?” Rory jumped up onto his feet, looking around to make sure no one saw him fall. He was still young enough to be careful of his dignity.

When Nicky could speak again, he wiped his eyes and pointed at Rory. “You should have seen the look on your face. ”

“Yeah, well, you’re gonna have a look on your face when I bust your ass!”

Nicky stood up, twirling his leash in front of him. “Bring it on, Rory. Bring it on!”

Rory stood with clenched fists, his face stormy, when a voice behind them made them both turn around. “Hey, Rory!”

They both whirled toward the dark-haired young boy headed toward them. About fifteen years old, he wore the same leather pants as the other pets wore, but no collar and was unattended. He waved a bat, baseball, and glove at Rory as he jogged toward them. “Rory, do you want to play ball? My coach says I can play next week if I can improve my batting. Will you help me?” He ran up next to them and looked Nicky over with interest. “Hi. I’m Adam. You must be Nicky, Marco’s new mate. I’ve heard a lot about you. Gee, you really are as pretty as a girl. ”

“Uh, thanks—I think. ” Nicky smiled back at him. “Nice to meet you, Adam. ”

Rory nodded at Adam and back at Nicky. “This is my little brother. ”

Nicky regarded him with interest. “Really? So, Adam, you’re one of what they call the natural pets?”

Adam shrugged. “Guess so. ” He watched Nicky twirling his leash in his hand. “Are you supposed to be doing that?”

Rory growled. “No, he’s not. He’s a jerk. ”

Nicky ignored him and stood up. “I’ll play ball with you, Adam. I played some in high school. I warn you, though, I’ve got a mean curve ball. ”

Adam grinned and tossed Nicky the glove and ball. He ran back about twenty feet and took up a batting stance with his bat. Rory shook his head in disapproval as Nicky neatly unclipped the leash and tossed it at him before strolling over to toss the ball to Adam.

Nicky pitched the ball to him for the next fifteen minutes, fielding the balls and calling out some tips from time to time. Rory stretched out on the lawn while they played and soon dozed in the sunlight with his mouth open.