“Is there anything else you want to ask me before tonight’s ceremony? Any more questions?”

“Yes, but I do think I understand everything that’s happened now. I still don’t quite believe it yet—I keep waiting to wake up, and it’s hard to take in all at once. Is there anything I should know about the ceremony tonight? Will I have to do anything?”

“Just follow my lead. It’s a great deal like a wedding ceremony. Except for the fact that my wolf might come out. I’ll try to control it, but sometimes during strong emotion…Don’t be frightened by it. My wolf would never hurt you. ”

Nicky blushed. “Never thought I’d be getting married to a man, let alone a wolf. ”

Marco kissed the tip of his nose. “Now be good and rest this afternoon. I’ll be back around six to pick you up. ” He slid from the bed, dressed, and then moved to the door. “Be a good boy and don’t go outside the room without me or Rory,” he cautioned. “We’ve had reports of a rogue pack in the area. ”

“What’s that? Not the Hunters?”

"The Hunters? Has Rory been scaring you with that? No, baby, just wolves. Rogues. Rogue packs are undisciplined packs that are wild and rootless. There are a couple in the area we’re concerned about. One group in particular has banded together, and we’re a little worried they might issue a challenge to my authority. They wouldn’t follow our laws. They roam around isolated areas, setting up camp wherever they can. Some of their pets are probably feral, because they’re allowed to run wild. We’re afraid that, with them in our area, these pets may try to hunt humans. ”

Nicky gasped in horror, and Marco crossed back over to him, taking his hand. “Most wolf packs aren’t like that, honey. We’re shapeshifters, yes, but we only hunt animals. If we take a human, it’s for a pet, a mate. Never to kill or hurt them. Do you understand?”

Nicky nodded quietly.

“Until the rogue pack is out of the area for sure, I don’t want you anywhere outside. They’d love to get their hands on a pet as beautiful as you, and the leader’s mate, too. ”

“What…what would they do to me?”

“Sweetheart, they couldn’t hurt you, really, because you’re changed now. Not exactly human anymore. They might try to hold you for ransom though, and use you to get some leverage over me. If they kept you away from me for too long, there’s danger in that too. You could turn so wild I couldn’t bring you back, not to mention the mental anguish it would inflict on me and thereby the entire pack. I don’t want to frighten you, but I want you to be careful. Do you understand why we keep you so close to us?”

“Tara explained a little to me while she was curling my hair. She said it’s so we don’t become savage. ”

“Well, yes, there is a great danger in that. Tara is fairly new here, too, and still learning. Her master must have explained it to her very carefully. I’m glad you listened to her. Now, listen to me. Don’t, under any circumstances, go outside while the rogue pack is in the area. ”

“Okay. ” Nicky nodded his head dutifully and meant it. He had no qualms about staying inside while monsters roamed the woods.

Chapter Three

Rory came for him carrying a piece of white satin. “This is for you, Nicky. Marco wants you to wear it for the ceremony. ”

Nicky took it suspiciously and shook it out. “This is a dress,” he said flatly. “I will not wear a dress. ”

He threw the fabric on the floor and stomped back to the bed to sit down. Rory picked it up and went over to him. “This is not a dress. ” Rory sounded indignant. “It’s a traditional robe, and you’ll wear whatever your master asks you to wear and like it. Now put it on or I’ll make you put it on. ”

Nicky flashed a hot look at him. “You wouldn’t dare touch me. I belong to Marco. ”

“Marco sent me to get you. And don’t forget it was me who turned you in the first place. I’ll slap your ass if I have to and explain to Marco later. ”

Nicky jumped to his feet with his hands in fists. “Oh no, you won’t. Just try it, you asshole!” He swung at Rory and missed, falling into Rory’s arms, but he jumped away from him and put up his fists again. “Fight me. Come on, Rory, fight me!”

The door swung open, and Marco stood framed in the doorway. He took one look at what was going on and crossed the room in two steps, picking Nicky up and throwing him on the bed. “Rory,” he said over his shoulder, not taking his eyes away from Nicky. “I’m very sorry, and so is Nicky, though he’ll be making his own apology soon. Please leave us for now. ”

Nicky sat up in the middle of the bed and watched Marco’s face for any sign of leniency. He knew he’d fucked up and badly. He cleared his throat. “I guess it wouldn’t do any good to say I’m sorry. ”

“Yes, of course it would—if you meant it. I think you’re only sorry you got caught. ” “I…uh…I didn’t want to wear the dress. It’s for a girl. ”

“It’s a robe, not a dress. It’s what I want you to wear, and you’ll wear it. ”

“I’m not a damn girl!”

“You’re anything I say you are. You’ve been without a master for far too long, and now you’re giving in entirely too much to your feral nature. I won’t stand for it. ”

“Don’t make me wear that, Marco. ”

Marco took a deep breath, as if trying to gather himself before speaking again. “Nicky, do you care for me at all?”