“Oh hell, no, I’m not getting my body waxed. Are you crazy? No way in hell. ”

“Nicky,” Tara said sadly. “Please watch your language and your temper. You really have no choice. If I have to, I’ll call your master. He’ll spank you for your disobedience, and you’ll be waxed anyway. Isn’t it easier just to submit?”

Nicky put his head in his hands, and to his horror started to cry. Before all this happened to him, he hadn’t cried since he was a little kid, and now he couldn’t seem to stop acting like the little girl he looked like. Tara rubbed his shoulders, and he felt her breasts graze across his back. Still no reaction from his stupid, stubborn cock, which was apparently holding out for Marco.

“It’s okay to cry, Nicky. It’s really good for you to give in to your feelings and get in touch with your feminine side. It makes you more docile. ”

Nicky gulped in shock. “Feminine side, my ass!”

“Nicky, please watch your language!”

“Now that’s another thing. ” Nicky sniffed hard. “Why do I have to watch my language and never cuss? Is that more control?”

“Well, in a way. When a pet curses and is angry, they are giving into their feral nature. It’s a bad habit, and it can only lead to more anger and savagery. Your master will make you stop and won’t let you have a temper tantrum. He’ll spank you very hard and make you apologize. ”

“Are you sure you’re not just brainwashed by your master? Maybe this is all just a way to make us submit to them, make us grovel. ”

“No, Nicky, you mustn’t think that. Please be careful not to let your wild nature overcome you. It can happen with some of us very quickly, especially when we’ve just been turned. ”

He sighed and gave up, too confused to fight anymore. “Okay, let’s go. ” She smiled in relief, and he allowed her to lead him to the back.

The next thirty or forty minutes were agonizing as hot wax was put on every part of his body and then stripped off, along with the hair. Luckily, he had little hair on his chest or back, so most of the hair came off his legs, arms, and groin. The ordeal left his skin pink and hairless, and he painfully limped along with Tara back to the door to find Rory.

Rory barely glanced at him as he clipped his leash back on and tugged him along behind him.

“Where am I going now?” Nicky asked listlessly. He was exhausted and felt like an emotional wreck.

“Back to your room. Marco’s waiting. ”

At the mention of the Alpha’s name, Nicky’s spirits lifted a little, and his whorish cock stood up. He eagerly followed Rory up the stairs. Marco waited, sitting in a chair by the window, looking even bigger than Nicky remembered and twice as handsome. Rory nodded to him respectfully, unclipped the leash and backed out of the room. Nicky stood uncertainly just inside the door until Marco beckoned to him. “Come here, baby. ”

Nicky fairly flew across the room and tried his best to crawl into Marco’s lap, but Marco pushed him down to sit at his feet. Though he’d called him ‘baby,’ he still looked displeased, and Nicky’s heart thumped loudly in his chest.

“Are you mad at me, Marco?”

“It’s time you called me Master,” Marco replied in a soft, but stern voice.

“Yes, sir,” Nicky said quietly. “Yes, master. ”

“Take off your pants and let me look at you. ”

Nicky dropped them quickly and pirouetted in place and his heart sank when Marco’s response wasn’t what he expected.

Marco watched him without a smile. “I’ve been hearing some negative reports about you, Pet, and I don’t like them one bit. It’s been reported to me that you continue to use bad language, and you’ve been a little rude. Is this true?”

“Who told you this? Was it Rory?”

Marco put a finger to his lips. “Hush. I didn’t give you permission to ask any questions. Now answer me. Is what I said true?”

Nicky dropped his gaze and slowly nodded his head.

“I’m trying to be lenient with you, Pet, because I know this is all new to you, and you were turned in unusual circumstances and not by your master. All of this can factor in. But you must stop the bad language immediately. Are you clear? It only leads to trouble. No more rudeness, either. I won’t tolerate your being a brat. You represent me now when you go out, and it’s not enough just to look beautiful on the outside. You must be beautiful on the inside as well. ”

Nicky dropped to his knees again and nuzzled his leg. He couldn’t help himself. “You think I’m beautiful?” He looked up at Marco flirtatiously.

Marco hesitated and then smiled indulgently, pulling Nicky up on his lap and settling him there, with a hand on Nicky’s growing cock. “Yes, baby, I think you’re very beautiful. And I think you know it. You’re in danger of becoming very spoiled. ” He touched Nicky’s curls. “I love your hair, and this is quite nice too. ” He rubbed his hands over Nicky’s slick, waxed pubic area. “Did it hurt very much?”

“Like a bitch…uh, like a bad word. ” he corrected himself.