Knocked to the floor, Nicky turned his frightened gaze back toward Marco, or what used to be Marco and was now a huge, scary animal. The huge, scary animal jumped on top of him without warning, putting its paws on his chest and lowering its mouth toward his throat. Too scared even to scream, Nicky closed his eyes tightly and waited for death, but instead he felt the wolf lick him from the bottom of his chin to the top of his forehead. Nicky met the wolf’s gaze and saw Marco’s beautiful eyes gazing back at him. He instantly relaxed, knowing in his heart Marco wouldn’t hurt him.

He heard more howls before Marco leaped away and ran for the door, followed by his wolf pack. Nicky sat up slowly, still feeling stunned. The pets in the room calmly went into action, picking up knocked over chairs and generally straightening up the room as if nothing unusual at all had just occurred. Tara come up beside him and gave him her hand to help him up. He got up off his back and looked at her in wonder.

She laughed. “Welcome to the pack, Nicky. Get used to this—it happens from time to time, whenever the wolves get emotionally charged. They’re beautiful, aren’t they?”

Nicky nodded, having to admit that even though the huge silver wolf frightened him at first, he was one of the most beautiful creatures he’d ever seen, his coat glossy and thick, and his eyes expressive and human-like. He could hear them outside the compound, calling back and forth to each other as they ran through the woods.

He moved slowly back up the stairs to his room, having to stop along the way for the well wishes and congratulations of the werekin. The room seemed empty without Marco. Nicky slipped off the robe and put it across a chair. Then he slipped out of his pants and lay down on the bed. He lay in the darkening room, listening to the sound of the wolves and waiting for Marco to return, drifting into an exhausted sleep before Marco, not the wolf, slipped into bed with him.

“Put your legs over my shoulders, darling,” Marco told him. “I want to see your beautiful face when I make love to you. ”

Nicky had barely complied before an already lubed, steel hard cock slipped into him. “By the acts of mating and vows spoken before my pack, you are my mate until death takes us. ”

* * * * Waking next morning was difficult. Marco had kept him up half the night making love to him and making him feed until he was sated and almost unconscious with fatigue. By the time he allowed him to rest, his ass ached and burned, his limbs felt like jello, and his mouth was still making sucking motions as he wiggled his ass up into Marco’s crotch and sank down into sleep.

He awoke to find Marco gone, and Rory sitting in a chair by the window, watching him closely.

“Hi, Rory,” Nicky said, stretching. “Where’s…uh…my master?”

“The council needed him this morning. There have been more sightings of the rogue pack,

some as close as a mile from the compound. Shawna, the mate of the one we captured, is back in the compound, demanding to see him. Marco is meeting with her. ”

“Oh. Will he be back soon?”

Rory shrugged. “I’m supposed to babysit you till he gets back. ”

Nicky frowned. “Do you have to use that term?”

“Yes. ”

“God, Rory, why do you have to be such an asshole?”

Rory raised his eyebrows. “You really haven’t changed a bit, have you? I’m a wolf—don’t talk to me like that. ”

Nicky sighed. “Whatever. ”

Rory frowned again. “You know Marco is worried sick about you, don’t you? That makes all of us nervous and jumpy. Can’t you even pretend obedience?” His voice grew in volume, and he rose to his feet to stand by the bed, looking down at Nicky, his fists clenched.

Nicky looked up at him and yawned. “Guess not. ”

Rory slammed his fist into the pillow next to Nicky’s head. Nicky glared at him. “Go ahead. After I break you in half, Marco will take care of the pieces. ”

The door opened, and they both turned tensely to see Tara standing there quietly with her mate, Tristan, behind her, waiting for Rory to invite them in.

Before Rory could react, Nicky smiled at her. “Hi, Tara, Tristan, come on in. Rory and I were just having a little discussion. ”

Tara glanced up for a moment, surprised, and Tri

stan glared at him with disapproval. Wolves and pets didn’t have “discussions. ” They obeyed without arguments.

Rory took a deep breath and spoke to them. “Come in, Tristan, and your pet too. What do you need?”

“Marco sent me to groom Nicky here in the room. ” Tara explained. “He said he’d be in restraints most of the day. ”

“He certainly will. ” He sent a smoldering look Nicky’s way and pulled cuffs from the bedside table. “Hold your hands out, Nicky. ”

Nicky hesitated a long time, debating if he would accept another humiliation. Fear stole over Rory’s features, igniting fear in Nicky. He held out his hands, and Rory twisted his arms behind him and slipped the cuffs over his wrists, snapping them shut. His hands were now cuffed behind him. Uncomfortable and humiliating, as Nicky supposed was the point.