The next second, there was an explosion, and the helicopter began a descent to the ground.

“No!” one of the Russians on the loft above shouted, looking at the burning helicopter.

That was all the clearance Bucky needed. He gunned the lady down.

The last one, realizing there was no hope for him, killed himself.

The four men sat on the ground in exhaustion as the sound of an explosion came from the outside. They couldn’t believe it was over.


3rd December 2021

10:45 am.

Ray of Hope HQ, Staten Island, Richmond County, New York.


“Hello, Khristy. Missed me?” Suzanne asked as she watched Khristina step out of a room.

Khristina was shocked as she watched Suzanne walk towards her with a tray in one hand and a gun in the other.

“Bitch! What are you doing here? Who let you in? Security!” she called.

Suzanne laughed.

“Not the sharpest tool in the shed, are you? Please, I need to deliver breakfast to Adrik. The darling has been waiting, and he hates late breakfasts. Could you direct me to his room?”

“You have a lot of nerve coming back here, sis,” Khristina said as she raised her gun.

Suzanne raised hers.

“Let’s see; you’re open without any coverage; I have a tray to shield me. That leaves you at a disadvantage, doesn’t it?” Suzanne asked as she tilted the tray and allowed its contents to fall.

Khristina watched her for a second.

“Then, let’s do it the old-fashioned way, shall we?” Khristina asked, dropping her gun, and posed for a fight.

Suzanne dropped her gun and tray and posed too.

“OK. I love old fashion,” she said.

Khristina ran towards her, ready to land some blows. Suzanne allowed her to come. As always, Khristina’s impulse would be her undoing.

Suzanne dodged Khristina’s blow and moved behind her. Turning, she pulled the other gun from her waist and shot Khristina on the head. Khristina fell dead to the ground.

“Sorry, sis. I just don’t have the time for old fashion,” Suzanne said as she hung her guns and picked up her tray.

A million thanks to the inventors of silencers…

She turned to the door Khristina had just come out from. It looked grander than the other doors around. She pressed the doorbell.

Hello, Adrik.


3rd December 2021.