“Because I don’t want the guys inside to suspect anything. Once an agent is killed, the computer notifies the Ray of Hope. Take the clothes of that man and wear them over your clothes and bag. We need to get in unnoticed,” she said.

Soon, they were in the uniforms of the soldiers. Suzanne had worn her utility belt over the uniform. Packing her hair tightly, she took out a dart from her gun and held the knot. She took a knife from her belt.

“Turn away, Xander. I don’t think you want to see this,” she said.

Xander obeyed, wondering what she was doing. When he looked again, he saw that she held a bloody thumb in her hand. She wiped the thumb on Cole’s underwear.

“He’s going to wake up in so much pain,” she said as she used her lock-picks to lock the shed with the men inside.

“Let’s go. Keep your head low,” she said as she marched confidently towards the restaurant. Xander gulped before following her.


3rd December 2021

10:09 am

North Star Hotel, 5th Avenue, Manhattan, New York,


Stephen,Bucky and three other soldiers crouched low behind a dumpster, some distance from the hotel. The hotel looked quiet. No one was around. Apparently, they had all moved closer to Staten Island.

They watched the hotel. They were two soldiers before the doors.

“How do we take them out?” Bucky asked.

Stephen thought about it for a while. Then, he looked at Tanner. The dog wore a small bullet-proof jacket.

“Boy, sneak attack,” he said, pointing to the soldiers by the door.

The dog bowed his head before leaving. He maneuvered between buildings and cars. Stephen motioned for the other soldier to follow him as he followed behind the dog. The unsuspecting soldiers were surprised as the dog ran up the stairs and jumped on one of them. He sunk his teeth into the man’s arm.

The other soldier raised his gun to shoot the dog.

Before he could pull the trigger, another bullet came from behind him and lodged itself in his neck. Stephen and the other soldier ran up the stairs. As Bucky passed by the soldier that was struggling with Tanner, he said,

“Privetstvovat’ Solntse.”

The soldier’s eyes widened in surprise before Bucky shot him finally. Bucky followed the other soldiers into the hotel. Their guns had silencers so as not to draw attention.

Raymond, one of the soldiers, looked carefully at the cameras. There were small indicator bulbs on them. The bulbs were dark.

“The cameras are down,” he said, and everyone sighed in relief.

Stephen said to the soldiers.

“Okay, guys, remember what we discussed. We move in a diamond formation. Everyone be your brother’s keeper. We don’t know this place. All we know is that we’re keeping our eyes open for Billy Munroe, and we’re killing everyone around him. Do we understand?”

They all nodded and took formation.

They went up the stairs. Tanner went ahead of them to scout.

Suddenly, they heard sounds from downstairs. Five soldiers jogged in, shouting in Russian. From the loft above, two soldiers aimed at them. Tanner was gone.

That was when Stephen realized some other soldiers must have been placed around to secure the environment.

They were surrounded.