“You’re not living without a hug. Bring it in,” he said as he held his arms open for her. She went into his embrace. Everyone took turns to hug her. Then she left.

As they prepared themselves to leave for wherever they called home, the question kept ringing in their heads.

What next?


10th December 2021

4:24 pm

Chestnut Avenue, Rosebank, New York.


Xander woke up from sleep to see Grayson watching him. he frowned.

“What?” he asked.

She raised his tablet.

“I still can’t believe you saved America. I used to think you were a wimp,” she said.

Xander groaned and threw a pillow at her. She dodged it and ran to hug him.

“I’m so proud of you, bro,” she said. “By the way, you have a text message. I wonder how you read messages from Russian phones,” she said as she dropped the phone and walked away.

Xander rolled his eyes. His sister knew how to bug him. He opened the tablet and checked the notification. He beamed when he saw it was from Suzanne. He hadn’t heard from her for a week.

Hey, it’s been a week since your heroic feat. I feel so privileged to have worked with you. For once in twenty years, I knew what it felt like to have a family. I will never forget you until I die.

The United Nations received our email. They have empowered the military by giving them the necessary tracking tools. Over the past week, they have been tracking down the remaining Russians. The delivery points across all the states have been destroyed, and the captives have been set free. I hope those kids find their families soon. The Russian agents are being held in a maximum-security prison here in New Jersey. The Jury will decide what happens to them.

By the way, in the email, I told them about you and the rest. Get ready to be applauded by the world. I wonder how they would reward you. I wish I could still be alive to see it.

Unfortunately, I must pay for my sins. I gave them my location, and they will come to pick me up anytime soon. I wonder what punishment they would mete out.

Take care of yourself and your family. No matter what happens, I will always love you. You are my family.

-Vivien Romanov Dmitri (AKA. Suzanne.)

Xander jumped down from the bed. He had to find the others.


13th December 2021.

10:55 am.

East Jersey State Prison, Rahway, New Jersey,


Suzanne closed her eyes as the needle pierced through the skin on her arm. Suddenly, her mind began to feel detached from her body.

She barely felt her head loll over to the side.

She had done it.