You’re surrounded. Drop your weapons. Hands in the air now,” the leader of the Russian soldiers said from below. He was a blonde man with piercing eyes.

Stephen and his men slowly dropped their weapons on the stairs, as they watched the Russians.

“Who are you?” the leader asked.

“We’re soldiers. Just like you are,” Stephen said. “Only we don’t speak Russian,”

Bucky shot him a glare.

The Russian man smiled.

“You know a lot, don’t you?” he asked.

Suddenly, his tab beeped, and he looked at the notification.

“Shit! He does know a lot,” he said as he looked at the face and description that appeared on his screen.

Screams came from above. Tanner had jumped on one of the soldiers and was biting him. The dog had returned when he noticed his master was missing. The confusion it had caused made the Russians below point their guns at Stephen and his crew.

Just as they fired, Raymond pulled the pin out of a grenade he held at his waist and threw it towards the Russians below. The rest of the team bent down to avoid the bullets coming from there.

Above them, the second Russian aimed his gun at Tanner. Stephen picked up his gun from the step and shot at him twice. The Russian fell over dead.

The grenade exploded at the same time, stunning everyone. The Russians on the ground floor were all dead. Bucky ran up and killed the soldier that was still struggling with Tanner.

Stephen and his team stood up. That was when they realized that a bullet had hit Raymond on the abdomen. He had fallen onto the stairs and was breathing heavily.

“Oh, man, no!” Stephen said as he bent again over his comrade.

“Let’s take him to where he will be safe. There’s no time to waste,” Bucky said from above. Stephen nodded. He stood up and, with the help of Eric, another soldier; they lifted Raymond and hid him in a room.

The men saluted him before leaving the room.

“We’ve been spotted. From here on, everyone be sharp. Expect enemies at every turn,” Stephen said as the soldiers took formation again.


3rd December 2021.

10:26 am.

Ray of Hope HQ, Staten Island, Richmond County, New York.


Suzanne walked through the hall, looking around her carefully. As she passed by the kitchen, a waitress came out with a tray of food. Because of the uniform she wore, the waitress didn’t know who she was immediately.

“Hey, where’s that going?” Suzanne asked in Russian.

“To Tsar Adrik’s room,” the lady said.

That was when the waitress remembered the voice. Before she could react, Suzanne said.

“I’ll be taking that, then.”

Immediately, she took the tray and used the end of her gun to hit the lady’s head. The lady fainted. Suzanne shot her once in the chest.

She hung her gun back on her belt. The killing had become too much, but she couldn’t stop until she finished the job. Luckily, she had an advantage. She headed for the luxury quarters. That was where she had been given a room when she came here. She knew she would find Adrik there.