Page 20 of Rogue (The End 4)

Well, he had always been on death row for as long as he could remember. He was used to it already.

At least, his family would live. His death wouldn’t be a waste.

The got to the office, and the soldier, whose name they had learned was Troy, knocked on the door. They heard a call from inside, telling them to come in, and they obeyed.

They saluted the commander once they stood before him.

“At ease,” the man said, and they relaxed.

“Privetstvovat’ Solntse,” Stephen said flippantly.

“What was that?” the commander asked.

“Oh, it was nothing. I just remembered something a migrant used to say,” he lied. Suzanne had told him to say the Russian words as a test for Russians. The Russians were compelled by their law to respond. Clearly, the man wasn’t a Russian.

“I take it you have something to tell me,” the man said, seeming weary of the company. “Troy, you may return to your duties. There’s so much to do. As for the two of you, I just hope whatever you have come for is worth my time.”

“Yes sir, we assure you,” Bucky said as Troy saluted and left the office.

“Great. Shut the door before saying anything,” the man said. Stephen went to close the door. Things were going too well. The man seemed to be the kind of person they needed for the job. He turned back to the man, ready to divulge all the information he came with.

“Privetstvovat’ Solntse. Welcome, brethren,” the man said.

Bucky and Stephen froze.

3rd December 2021

5:09 pm

New York Habor, New York,


Aaliyah stood on the dock and watched the sunset over the waters. Around her stood many people awaiting the promise of the government for deliverance.

Truly ignorance is bliss…

She remembered her meeting with Suzanne. She remembered the words:

The kidnapped ones are the lucky ones…

Truly a lot of people had been kidnapped. She had heard stories from many families of how they had lost their children and daughters. She remembered her own experience.

Suzanne had told her what to do. It had been a bit difficult, but she had managed to get it done. Everything was in place.

She felt Ted’s hand go around her shoulders and pull her close. He felt her tension. As usual, he was trying to protect her. She leaned in and took the comfort he offered.

Suddenly, in the distance, she heard the sound of a loud horn. She looked up to see a ship rising in the horizon. Her jaw tensed as fear filled her.

She looked up at Ted, who gave her a knowing nod.

He was ready.

She turned her head and looked at some people in the crowd. They, too, nodded their heads.

Aaliyah swallowed hard. It was time.

3rd December 2021