Page 7 of Teach Me Daddy

It worked, but it led me down a path I had no passion to follow.

The issue?

I was fucking good at what I did.

It came with a lot of dirty work. I buried more people I loved than I ever wanted to admit and, every time I talked with my brother, I treated it as if it were my last time. We were both silent on the phone as my eyes gravitated back toward the screens and, just as I was about to address my brother, it happened.

She walked through the doors.

A vision in white, draped in lace. Her curves were smooth and fluid, and it looked as if she was floating on air. Her jet-black hair poured down between her shoulder blades, practically taunting my fingers to wrap themselves up within its softness. That dress looked as if it had been tailor-made for her beautiful body, and I lost myself in her grace as my brother tried to get my attention.

“What should we do, Camillo?” he asked.

“I’ll handle it personally,” I said. “Don’t worry about it. Take care of that nephew of mine. Love ya, brother.”

“Love you, too, brother.”

I set the phone down before I leaned in toward the video feed. The girl looked nervous. Her hands were wringing in front of her, and her eyes were darting all over the place. There was another young woman with her, clad in some sort of gaudy, dominatrix dress. She looked much more comfortable in this arena, which could only mean one thing.

The woman I’d found to be mine tonight was new, and the thought already had my cock pulsing with anticipation.


As I walked into the massive building, I couldn’t believe my eyes. Crystal’s hand was on the small of my back, escorting me while I took in the sights and sounds. Everyone was clad in all sorts of getups. The women were in revealing costumes, with leather, lace, and chrome. Some were walking around in bodysuits with whips and things that looked like split bamboo. Most of the men were dressed in various forms of suits. A few were dressed in revealing costumes that showed off their best assets.

And yes, sometimes that meant their asses.

I craned my neck around while Crystal kept pushing me to the dance floor. I could feel eyes on me, taking in my costume as I walked across the floor. The music was pumping and the lights were dancing around in hypnotic patterns. People were throwing back drinks while some couples were walking around with leashes in their hands. Never in my life had I seen so much I didn’t understand all at once and I found myself backtracking into Crystal’s grasp.

“I’m right here,” she said. “Just take a deep breath.”

“Crystal! Rose!”

I turned my head as I heard Eli’s voice. She came bounding up to us in a body suit. It was leather from head to toe, with a cutout to showcase her prominent cleavage, and she was carrying a whip in her hand.

Had I not heard her voice, I wouldn’t have recognized her.

“Come on, you two. Time for the grand tour.”

She took both of our hands and pulled us to the edge of the room. I breathed a sigh of relief as I felt the cool wall against my back. We walked around the room, skirting the bars and watching as people slowly trickled down various hallways.

“Where are they going?” I asked.

“Oh, all the private rooms are back here.” Eli said. “See the man dragging that woman along in the orange dress?”

I could see a woman tugging against the hand of a man who was shoving her into a room. Everything within me wanted to run up and kick him between his legs but the moment I saw them kiss, I realized whatever they were doing was consensual.

At least, I thought it was.

“That woman is Felicia Matthews,” Eli said.

“Wait, isn’t that—”

“The mayor’s wife?” Crystal asked. “Oh my gosh, that is her. Is that man the mayor?”

“Nope,” Eli said, grinning. “The mayor and his wife are swingers. The man currently dominating her in that room is none other than Richard Delacroix.”

“You mean the man who owns half of upstate New York,” I said.

“Precisely,” Eli said, grinning. “Rumor has it he enjoys stuffing the mayor’s wife with all sorts of toys.”

We kept walking around the floor, stalking everyone like prey. There were people hooked to others by chains, and women who were on their knees and crawling beside their… I don’t even know what they were supposed to be called. People were climbing up into the cages to dance, while others handed them drinks and vibrating toys. I watched one woman sink right down onto a dildo some man had hoisted up into the cage.

My eyes widened at the spectacle, just as Eli caught my attention.