Page 44 of Teach Me Daddy

“What does it mean?”

“It’s about how a mother talks about keeping her child for herself because she knows no one else will take better care of her child than herself,” I said.

“Could you… teach it to me?”

The sparkle in her eye returned. The curious gaze that soaked my soul returned, blasting me with memories of the past. Memories of the way her eyes took in all my little toys. Memories of the way she dangled so wondrously from that chain in the ceiling. Memories of things I’d wanted to do to her. Paddles I wanted to redden her skin with and marks I wanted to make. Nipple clamps I wanted to tease her with and massages with hot oils that would’ve made her squirm.

“I can,” I said.

She led me out of Ana’s room as I turned out the light. I closed the door behind me, and we stood in the hallway, listening to Cassie play downstairs with the boys.

I already had a plan formulating in my mind of how I could get her alone tomorrow night.

“How did you find yourself raising your nephew?” she asked.

I felt my entire demeanor darken as images of the blood and carnage pushed away the beautiful thoughts of her body.

“My brother and his wife died,” I said. “I am his godfather, so when his parents died, I took him in. I decided that boy had experienced enough for one lifetime, so I liquidated everything and moved us here to start fresh.”

“So, they’re true? The rumors about you?”

I looked down at her as her wild eyes stared back up at me.

“Yes,” I said. “They are.”

“I’m so sorry about your family,” she said.

“And I’m sorry for yours.”

“Can I be honest with you?” she asked.

“I hope you’re nothing but, my songbird.”

I heard her gasp lightly at the name as I turned my body fully toward her.

“What do you wish to say?” I asked.

“I’m worried,” she said. “About your ties to the mob. Are we…? Is Ana…?”

I knew what she was trying to ask, and I heard the fear dripping from her voice. The only thing Rose deserved to feel was happiness and pleasure.

“My past is behind me,” I said. “You and Ana have nothing to worry about.”

Her dazzling eyes drank me in, hanging onto every word before she finally nodded her head. I could still see the doubt rolling behind her eyes, even as she tried to convince herself that my answer was enough for her. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close to me and, just like she had before, she melted into my body. How willingly she gave herself over to me time and time again. How eager she was to trust me despite everything.

I moved my lips to the shell of her ear.

“Good girls do as they are asked and believe what their masters say,” I said.

I felt her nod into me while her legs trembled.

“Tomorrow, we shall have a wonderful day. I will look after Ana, the boys will occupy themselves, and we will all enjoy a day out on the town. Then, I will cook dinner for all of us. Then Cassie will watch the children while I whisk you away.”

“Have you talked with her?”

“Good girls never interrupt their masters,” I said. “Is that clear?”

Her hands clung to my clothing, pulling me closer to her body as her cheek pressed into my chest.

“Yes,” she said breathlessly.

“Join me tomorrow evening and you will be rewarded. Anything less will require punishment.”

My lips trailed down her ear, causing her to shiver before I planted a kiss onto her neck. Her legs gave way while my arms kept her steady, her breath coming in short pants while I held her in the dim lighting of her upstairs hallway. Her pulse was jumping against me. Her entire body was screaming out for me. She wanted me as badly as I wanted her, but she would have to wait one more night to have it.

To have me.

I waited until Rose could get her feet underneath her. Then the two of us headed back downstairs. I could tell the boys were getting tired, so I coaxed Junior off the couch and told him he’d be back tomorrow. I could feel Cassie and Rose silently communicating, as I was sure Cassie was curious as to what took so long.

I shot one last, telling look toward Rose before Junior and I started for my truck.

“Thank you for dinner,” Junior said. “Your lasagna’s awesome.”

“I’m glad you liked it,” Rose said.

“See you tomorrow!” Kevin exclaimed.

“See you!” Junior called out.

The entire drive back home, my nephew wouldn’t stop talking about Cassie and Kevin. It was wonderful, listening to the words of happiness fly from his lips. I hadn’t seen him this excited for anything since I found him curled up in that closet three years ago and I knew, in that very moment, I was doing the right thing.