Page 72 of Teach Me Daddy

Some man would be lucky to have her by his side one day.

The boys came barreling into the room and screamed with joy. They ran and tripped, stumbling over to the tree as they began to shake the presents. I heard Rose’s feet hit the floor above my head, probably getting herself dressed before she went to get Ana from her crib.

I got up from my seat and started watching the waves crash upon the sandy beach while Rose rounded the corner.

“Oh, my gosh,” I heard her gasp. I saw her reflection in the window, holding Ana close to her as her jaw fell open.

I sighed heavily, memorizing the way she looked in that very moment. She was perfect.

I felt her approach me while my eyes stayed trained on the ocean. The truth was, I didn’t want to look at her. I wanted to keep the memory of her shocked happiness in my mind, not the memory

“How’d you do it?” she asked. “The presents, I mean.”

“I made some orders and rush shipped them,” I said. “They arrived around five this morning.”

“Thank you,” she said lightly.

And she didn’t move from my side.

“I’ve been struggling with things all night,” she admitted while Ana squirmed in her arms.

I nodded but didn’t say anything. I felt my hands gripping themselves behind my back so hard that I split open one of my wounds. I felt the blood trickling down the palm of my hand, and I winced, bringing my hands around to look at them as Rose set Ana down.

“Go see Cassie, sweet girl. Go on.”

I watched Ana run off toward the tree and pounce onto Cassie, who was giggling with the boys while they sorted through the presents.

Without another sound, I watched as Rose picked up the corner of her robe. She took my hand within hers, and pressed the robe to my wound over and over again, soaking up the blood while her eyes danced along my skin. I watched her closely, studying her every move while she drew in a deep breath through her nose.

Then, her shoulders heaved with a deep sigh before she allowed her gaze to travel up to mine.

She took both of my hands within hers and brought them to her lips. She kissed each and every bruise and cut on my knuckles, and as I watched, the heat in my body rose from my toes. She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, taking in my scent while my wound slowly began to clot.

Then she smiled into my skin, and I knew in that very moment, I was safe.

“I love you, Camillo,” she said. “And I’m just so glad you’re home.”

“I love you, too, Rose,” I said. “And I’m so glad you welcomed me home.”


I couldn’t believe what I’d just heard. As I stood there holding his hands, my eyes watered while my gaze studied his intently. He was looking at me with his icy blue eyes, but the comfort that radiated from them was nothing less than sensual.

Lately, he’d been talking a great deal about family. He had mentioned “our family” on more than one occasion, but never once had he said anything about love. He talked about wanting to keep us safe and making sure we could all live the life we wanted, but never once had he expressed any interest in being anything more than a protector and a pleasure-giver.

I knew my desire for him was white-hot, but was it possible for a man like him to love me? Was it possible for me to accept his past and pull him into my future? I felt his hands drop mine before his palm raised to cup my cheek, and suddenly, the thoughts of Christmas day faded from my head. The only thing that remained was his hardened gaze, his soft touch, and the words that still lingered in my ears.

He pulled me into his arms, and I melded into his body. My hands ran up his stomach, grazing the bruised strength underneath his clothing as he pulled me into his chest. The beating of his heart was a sound I’d become obsessed with. A sound that I found both comforting, erotic, and frightening. He pressed a kiss to the top of my head while the waves crashed endlessly against the sandy beach of his island, and that was when I heard his voice.

“I know you must think I’m a monster, Rose, but I want to change. I have been changing because of you.”

I gripped onto his shirt with my hands and pulled myself closer into his body.

“Having a family is the only thing I’ve ever wanted, and your family is perfect,” he said. “All I wish is to be a part of it.”

I craned my neck back to respond, but the shouts of joy coming from beside the Christmas tree ripped us from our reverie. I giggled and shook my head. Camillo took my hand, and he led me back into the living room where Cassie and the boys were sitting cross-legged beside the tree.