Page 53 of Teach Me Daddy

Even her.

I couldn’t sleep that night. I tried going back to the cabin and formulating a plan, but my mind was swirling. So, I packed up some blankets, drinks, and snacks and I parked myself down the road from Rose’s house. I kept thinking of our life together, the mere hope of it keeping me awake while I watched their house. I could see Junior and Kevin running back and forth with one another while Rose bounced Ana in her arms. I could see how frazzled she was already becoming. How tired she must already feel, running after the children like that.

I saw Cassie leave for work and come back with bags of food in her arms while Mrs. Barker tried to take Ana from Rose’s arms. I knew she was trying to get her to slow down. Accept her help. Let her in. But if the fire in Rose’s eyes was any indication, she probably saw Mrs. Barker as an extension of me. I saw her finally give Ana over to Junior’s nanny for just a second. Just so she could get a quick shower.

But then she was right back at it, doing everything for everyone, with no one else giving any regard to how she might feel.

I watched all night for any sign of the Del Vecchio family. I eyed the cars as they drove up and down the street. I was wary of any parked car that sat there longer than ten minutes. I would crank up the engine from time to time and make my way around the block, looking for anything suspicious before taking up my station and watching the house.

And all the while, I was plotting my revenge.

Maybe it was time to stop running and destroy their family at the source.

The moment the morning sun started creeping above the trees, I pulled my truck up into Rose’s driveway. I made my way to the front door, knocking relentlessly until I heard someone stir behind it. The door flew open and my eyes looked upon a haggard Rose, the bags underneath her eyes heavy with exhaustion and her eyes bloodshot from crying. Her shoulders were slumped over and she was in her clothes from the day before, her skirt crooked upon her hips and her tattered shirt still boasting of the bra she’d slept next to me in.

This was my doing. This was my fault. She was up all night, crying and worrying over the shit I’d brought into her life. I’d thrust another child upon her, desperate to keep them all underneath my gaze, keep them safe, and not once did I give any thought as to what this would do to her.

I was selfish and I was instantly disappointed in myself for allowing this to spiral so far out of control.

I was the one who needed to worry, not her. I was the one who needed to protect the family, not her. I was the one who needed to provide the money, not her. I was the one who needed to work all hours of the night, not her.

I was the only one who could remove this burden from her shoulders. I was the only one who could make this problem go away. I was the only one who could scoop her up and give her the relaxation and the devotion she deserved after putting her entire existence on hold for the same family I now loved.

The same family I now wanted to protect.

She looked up at me with her peridot eyes and, in an instant, I knew what to do. Even if she still said no, they had to come with me. Even if she was still against it, I had to find a way to make her see that this was the best way.

I had to convince her that I’d be able to keep her safe. Keep her fed. Keep her healthy. Keep her happy.

I’d lost her once three years ago and I wasn’t going to lose her again.


I opened my door and saw Camillo standing in front of me. I took in his disheveled appearance, digesting what he looked like for the very first time. I’d never seen him this way, with his clothing rumpled and his beard amiss. His eyes were tired and his hands were trembling, making it clear he had been up all night.

I stepped aside without saying a word, letting him into my kitchen while everyone else slept. I’d called Kevin out of school and Ana out of daycare. Then I’d called out of work and told them the entire family had come down with the flu. I wasn’t too scared of losing my job just yet, seeing as I never took time off when my boss asked me to. But that still didn’t mean I could just run off with this disheveled man that had taken a seat at our kitchen table.