Page 51 of Teach Me Daddy

How stupid I had been to think this could work.

“Let me grab my keys,” he said.

We got into his truck and sped back to my house. The roads were icy, and the snow was still coming down, but not once did Camillo let up. My head was swirling with a million thoughts as I tried calling Cassie again. Had someone come to the house? Did someone have my family? Why the hell was she not picking up her phone!?

“I’m so sorry, Rose,” Camillo said. “I’m sorry I got you tangled up in all this.”

“Tell that to Ana,” I said flatly.

All I wanted to do was get home and make sure Ana was okay. He didn’t even get the truck stopped in the driveway before I barreled into the house. I ran up the stairs, taking them two by two while my purse and my phone tumbled down the stairs.

The moment I skidded into Ana’s room and saw her sleeping soundly was the moment I collapsed into a fit of despair and sobbed.

Suddenly, I felt my body being lifted. I felt something strong and warm against my skin as I was carried out of my daughter’s room. I was being settled into my bed, my body being covered before a warm pair of lips descended onto my throbbing temple.

“Let me go check on everyone else,” Camillo said.

I cried while he checked on the rest of the family. Everyone was sound asleep, the boys in Kevin’s room and the nanny sleeping in Cassie’s. I curled into my pillow and soaked it with my tears. Tears of sorrow and anguish and fear. Tears of embarrassment and anger and weakness. How I lost myself in him again, I had no idea. But I knew I couldn’t do it again.

I couldn’t allow him to bring this sort of danger into our lives.

“Talk to me,” Camillo said as he sat down next to me. “Say something.”

“I can’t take living in fear like this,” I said.

“I will protect you,” he said. “All of you. Your family is my family now and no one is going to get away with hurting any of you.”

“You can’t guarantee that, Camillo,” I said. “You’re just one man.”

“No one would dare cross me,” he said as his voice darkened.

“I don’t know what to believe anymore,” I said, sighing.

I felt his arms yank me upright before he pulled me into his body. I could feel him trembling, his own fear taking over, even as he tried to comfort me. I tried pushing away from him. I tried getting away from the beautiful comfort I felt in the arms of this dangerous man. But the more I fought, the tighter he clung and, soon, I felt the whole of me giving way to him as my tears soaked his shirt.

“I will keep you safe,” he said as he pressed a kiss into my head. “That is my vow to you. I will keep you all safe.”


I hated involving her in my bullshit. I was a fool to think I could leave my old life and expect it not to follow me here. And, now, I’d put the only family I had in my life at risk. My own flesh and blood. My beautiful, thriving daughter. My innocent songbird who’d stolen my heart and captured my soul from the moment she first popped up onto my camera.

All of it at risk because of my idiocy.

I had to make things right. I had to make sure my family was safe. So long as the Del Vecchio family knew they were here, they would never stop. They would never be safe.

“You’re coming with me,” I said as I got up from Rose’s bed. “Get packing.”

“Excuse me?” she asked.

“I have a private place where you and Ana can stay. You’re coming with me.”

“Not on your life,” she said.

I turned toward her and I could see the wildfire blazing behind her eyes. I could see how confused she was and I realized how absolutely insane I was for ordering her to run away with me. She had a life. A job. A roommate and a brother to take care of.

“Fine,” I said. “They can all come, too. Get them all up. We’re leaving in an hour.”

“We’re going nowhere,” she said. “I’m not going anywhere with you and that’s the end of that.”

“You’ll do as I say,” I said, my voice lowering to command her attention.

“That shit only works in bed and you know it.”

I tried to pull her into my arms, to get her to understand that this was for the best but she fought me. She clawed at my arms and wiggled away from my grasp, tumbling off the side of the bed before she hopped onto her feet. She grabbed the small lamp on her nightstand and held it above her head, ready to attack me if I came after her again.