Page 19 of Teach Me Daddy

“He left a fun little mark there,” she said, grinning. “The beloved prince of this dark palace.”

“Beloved? Whatever.”

“Uh oh,” Eli said. “Trouble in paradise?”

“There’s no paradise anywhere in this place. Just an encounter that didn’t mean much.”

“Did you at least have fun?” she asked.

“Sure,” I said, shrugging.

Eli’s eyebrows hiked up on her forehead. I could tell she was curious and I was trying desperately to keep my tears at bay. But just as she went to ask another question, Crystal came bounding over with the two men she’d been dancing with.

“Rose! There you are! Getting into trouble? I hope not, because I found us two wonderful men to play with for the night.”

“Thanks for thinking of me,” I said as I stood. “But I’ve had enough fun for one night. I’m really tired. I think I’m gonna head home.”

I could see the disappointed look on Crystal’s face and I wasn’t about to ruin her evening.

Or Eli’s, for that matter.

“But I think Eli might enjoy the company for the evening,” I said. “Don’t worry about me. I know your address. I’ll just call a car.”

“Are you sure?” Crystal asked. “Because I’ll leave right now and not look back.”

I saw her eyes flicker to my neck and widen. I felt Eli stand behind me and put her hand on my lower back, but I was done being led around.

I told them what I wanted and, now, all I wanted them to do was respect that.

“Have fun you guys. I’ll see you in the morning.”

I went outside and called a car with my cellphone. The dress I wore didn’t leave much room for pockets, which meant I had to check my purse before we came in. I had just enough money to get me to the train station, where I could use my credit card to pay for a ticket to get my ass home to Pennsylvania.

I had no intention of staying in this city any longer than I had to.

I knew Crystal would ship me my stuff that I left at her apartment. I had all the essentials I needed with me in my purse. I purchased a coat in a nearby shop when I saw people staring at me in the train station. Then, on the rhythmic train ride back home, I reread his note. I read it so many times, his voice became engraved into my memory. I started thinking in his voice. The dreams that fluttered through my head while I rode those train tracks home were in his voice.

He permeated my entire existence and he would never remember me after tonight.

He was clearly referencing my loss of innocence with the line of the poem. How he took my virginity that night. He was also calling himself “the worst,” while also comparing himself to Yeats’s definition of “passionate intensity.” The man wasn’t just gorgeous. He was intelligent. Deep, with an innate understanding of how the famous poets strung their words together.

It made me ache for him more, which pulled tears down my cheeks as my eyes settled on the passing countryside.

The note had been a warning to scare me off. He told me he was dangerous and every ounce of me believed him. But being in his arms, I’d never felt more alive. The way he’d made my body feel still had me thrumming with electricity. The memory of his voice alone shook my knees and weakened my legs. But I couldn’t give any more thought to it. I had a life back in the Poconos. A life that required my stability and my strength.

I couldn’t be weak for a man who saw me as nothing other than his toy for the night.

I’d had a well-deserved vacation. I was bringing home memories I’d hold onto for the rest of my life. I’d lost my virginity to a handsome, mysterious man whom I’d never forget, or regret. I had a walk on the wild side and I felt stronger than ever when it came to raising my brother.

I’d carry that man within me for the rest of my life and his voice would give me strength.


I watched her as she fell asleep in my bed that evening. I massaged her curves and kissed the spot on her neck I’d attached myself to. I nestled her wrists in my lap while I massaged the ache from her arms. She would be marked in the most beautiful ways by the time the sun came up, but I wouldn’t be here to witness them.

I couldn’t be. Not after what had just happened.

There was a warmth in my chest as I gazed upon her body, a warmth I hadn’t felt since my mother had been alive. I wanted to hold her, to spend the night learning her skin. I wanted to keep her by my side and protect her. Guard the innocence she still managed to hold onto, even after I ripped everything from her.