Page 28 of Saving Mel

“Fuck, Melanie, you feel so good. That’s it, just like that, baby.”

I loved his sounds. I loved the way my name fell from his lips. I loved the dirty talk he used, encouraging me while still making me feel as if I was in control. His hands dug into my ass until I could feel my skin throbbing, then he thrust into me one last time as I finally collapsed from the force of my orgasm. His dick was buried within me as his body pumped me full of his arousal. Throb after throb pulsed against my walls, sending shivers down my spine as my toes unfurled from my orgasm. My legs were shaking and my skin was drenched with sweat. I could feel our intermingled juices running from between my legs and trickling down Evan’s thighs.

But I didn’t care, and I got the distinct feeling he didn’t either.

We lay there for a long time. His broad arms were wrapped around me, holding me close to his chest as I pressed kisses into his skin. His warmth was comforting and his strength seemed to blanket me with a weight that was safe. His fingers traveled softly up and down my spine as my body draped on top of his.

I could’ve fallen asleep just like this, but I knew we had to move.

He pulled his cock from between my legs and let the rest of the evidence of our lust spill out onto the bed. He slowly rolled me off to the side and cupped my cheek, then tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. I looked into the eyes of a man that had become a comfort to me. A small grin played on his cheeks as I pressed my body back into his, my face dipping into the crook of his neck as he wrapped his arms back around me.

And without another word, the two of us fell asleep.



I woke up to the sound of Hadley crying in her crib. Fuck. I’d forgotten the baby monitor in my room last night. I slid my arm from around Melanie’s soft, warm body and groaned. I wanted to stay cuddled up to her all morning.

I slipped out of bed and quickly padded to my room. I threw on some clothes before I headed to Hadley and I found her red-faced and angry. I scooped her out of bed and began changing her for the day, hoping she hadn’t yet woken Melanie from her slumber.

Last night had been incredible. Melanie’s desire to take control had twisted my insides in ways I craved. No woman I had ever been with had been so intent on being on top. And she felt marvelous. Her body was just as perfect as I had imagined it was underneath all those clothes. Part of me was wishing Hadley had slept longer.

Melanie may have woken up with my tongue between her folds.

I got Hadley into a new diaper and some warm, dry clothes before I heard Liam stumbling from his room. He peeked into Hadley’s room and smiled, then he came over and hugged my leg. I scooped the little boy up into my arms and walked them into the kitchen, feeling rejuvenated. I sat them down at the table and began making breakfast, hoping to give Melanie a bit of a break before she got up.

“Where’s Mew?” Liam asked.

“Mel’s sleeping,” I said quietly. “Let’s let her get some rest this morning. What would you like for breakfast?”

“Cheesy eggs?”

“What about you, stinker? What would you like for breakfast?” I asked as I turned to Hadley.

I saw her finger point to a banana from her high chair as a smile crossed her cheeks.

“Banana it is,” I said.

I set to peeling the banana before I brought out everything for breakfast. Liam could easily devour two eggs with cheese as well as some toast, so I made a big batch for everyone. Hadley was enjoying smearing her banana all over the place while I scrambled the eggs in a pan, but then I heard a giggle fall from Liam’s lips.

“Morning, Mew!” he said excitedly.

“Morning, handsome. Did you sleep well?”

Melanie’s voice was still heavy with sleep. I turned around and took stock of her and how quickly she’d put herself together. Her hair was thrown up into a haphazard bun and she was back in that sexy little number she’d had on yesterday. I watched her press a kiss onto Liam and Hadley’s heads before she headed toward the coffee pot, her eyes darting over to me before she smiled.

“Morning, Evan,” she said, lightly.

“Good morning, Melanie. I take it you slept well?” I asked.

Her grin was suppressed and her eyes were playful, tugging at a side of me I hadn’t allowed out into the open in years.

“Like a rock. Yourself?” she asked.