Page 59 of Saving Mel

“I need to feel you,” she said breathlessly.

Raising my head up to catch her stare, I could see the flush draping over her body. She was wanting me. Aching to have my cock buried in that tight little pussy of hers. I kissed up her body, taking her shirt with me before I pulled it over her head.

“Just be patient,” I said, grinning.

She tugged my face back down to hers and her kiss was feverish. Her fingers worked the buttons of my flannel shirt, pushing it back from my shoulders as she exposed my chest. I tossed the fabric off to the side, feeling her soft fingertips dance along my skin. I loved it when she explored my muscles. When she took them in before her nails dug in. I loved feeling those crescent marks in my skin. The harder she bore down, the more I knew she wanted.

And I could feel them raking across my shoulders as our kiss deepened.

“Evan, Evan, Evan. Hold on.”

I pulled back immediately and looked down into her eyes.

“Are you all right?” I asked.

“Yeah, yeah. I just, I’d like to try something. If it’s okay with you,” she said.

“Anything. Just tell me what you want, beautiful.”

She smiled at me before her hand reached down and grabbed my cock. She massaged it through my pants and I groaned in surprise, my eyes widening before they shut. Her fingertips made quick work of the rest of my clothes, sliding them along my ass before her hands gripped their fill. I kicked them off and shoved them down the bed with my own two feet before I descended in between her legs, and the way she was tugging at me told me exactly what she wanted to try.

“I want you to be on top,” she said, whispering.

Her eyes opened and connected with mine and I lost myself in aquamarine eyes. She was so sure of herself. So strong and confident. I felt my cock twitch between her legs at the mere thought of having my control back. Of watching her writhe in pleasure as I pounded into her, shaking her tits as her jaw opened up with pleasure.

My body rose to life at the idea of being on top, but I needed to make sure she was okay.

“Are you sure you want to try that?” I asked. “Because it’s fine with me if we don’t.”

Her smile was sweet and her lips were light as she rose and captured mine with her own. I could feel the way she was opening up to me. I could feel the last of her walls dropping down from around her body. I could feel her letting me in as the backs of her toes cascaded up my legs.

“Yes,” she said. “I’m sure.”

Dipping my face to her neck, I trailed kisses down her skin. I nipped and sucked, feeling her jump and squeal with delight as giggles poured from her lips. My hands rushed down her sides, taking in her soft curves with the calluses of my hands. It never ceased to amaze me that the roughness of my hands could bring a delicate body like hers the pleasure it did. But I knew I would do it again this afternoon.

I would bring her any pleasure she begged me for.

My lips slid down her tits, marking them both as my own with my teeth as she gasped and quaked. I smirked at the way her body gave itself to me, trusting me with its pleasure even with all the pain she had endured. My beard tickled her stomach and I held her hips down, listening to the giggles pour forth as her hands tangled up in my hair.

“Evan, please! That tickles. No! Oh, shit!”

Her chest panted and I could feel the heat of her pussy radiating against my chest. I decided to have mercy on her and continued my journey as the scent of her womanhood hit my nostrils. I could feel something carnal flaring up in my gut. Something that was only sparked by the scent of her dripping pussy.

Sinking down between her legs, I threw them over my shoulders. Her hands were wound tightly in my hair, pulling my face to where she wanted it to be. My tongue split her folds and her juices came pouring out, and I licked it all up delicately as she moaned and shook.

“Evan. You feel so good,” she said.

I hummed in approval at her words and she gasped. My lips quickly found her clit, and the tip of my tongue flicked across its head. She jumped in pleasure, burying the heels of her feet into the strength of my back. My hands held her hips down as I began my assault, pulling rivers of juices from her pussy that drenched the beard on my face.