“I … you know, I lost track.” Her brow furrowed, revealing bemusement.

Anna’s sense of panic was growing. The old Olympiad had always gotten Celia back, but the old Olympiad wasn’t around anymore. Just the elegant older woman who hadn’t, as far as Anna knew, used her power for anything but making crème brûlée in twenty years, and the telepath, and she knew very well how effective mental powers weren’t in a straight-up fight, especially if someone was blocking them.

She had to do something, so she got out her phone and pressed buttons. “It’s not working, why isn’t it working?”

“The room’s shielded, outside signals can’t get in,” Suzanne said.

Anna marched to the door, following her father.

“Anna, who are you calling?” Suzanne asked.


In the hallway, she sat on the carpet because her legs were shaking. “Come on, come on…”

Teddy answered on the first ring. “Anna, oh my God, I’m so sorry, I didn’t think you were ever going to talk to me again—”

“Teddy, shut up, I need your help. I need everybody’s help.”

“What’s wrong?”

“Somebody’s kidnapped my mom and they have some way of blocking mental powers because I can’t find her, my dad can’t find her. But I think we know where to start looking.”

He paused for a long time. “And you really think we can help? I mean, this is serious.”

“Exactly,” she said, exasperated. “You wanted to stop screwing around, so this is it. If we can’t rescue my mother, what good are we?”

“I’m just saying … maybe some of the other supers…”

“Fine. You don’t want to help, I’ll call Teia and Sam—”

“No, of course I want to help. We’ll get her back, Anna. You call Teia and Lew, I’ll call Sam. We’ll meet you at West Plaza, okay?”

“Yeah. Okay. Teddy—thank you.”

Suzanne stood by the entrance to the command room, watching Anna, her expression thoughtful. Anna prepared her usual defensive glare.

“Don’t tell me that I shouldn’t go out, that I’m too young, that I can’t handle it—”

“I’m not going to do that. Wait just a minute, though.”

Back in the command room, Suzanne went to one of the metallic cabinets along the side wall and opened a drawer. She didn’t have to dig around long before drawing out a set of thumb-sized devices and wires—earbud and microphone sets.

“Take this,” she said, hooking one of the devices around Anna’s ear, settling the bud in place. “It’ll keep you in contact with the command computer. We never had to use them much because of Arthur. I hope they still work. Bethy, here, you take one, too. We’ll need you to monitor the computer scanner and keep us all in the loop. All right?”

“You want me to help?” Bethy stared at them both. Anna wanted to hug her.

“I won’t have to teach you how to use the computer,” Suzanne said. “You’re your mother’s daughter, you know very well it isn’t all about the powers.”

“Bethy, you’re the smart one,” Anna said. “Everybody knows it.”

She had a look on her face like she didn’t believe them.

“Oh, Celia used to look just like that when she was your age.” Suzanne chuckled.

Bethy quickly hooked the speaker over her ear and turned to the console.

Back in the hallway, Anna’s phone beeped a missed call at her. She hit Reply. “Teia?”