The cop had a partner, who stormed out of the passenger side and came at them, nightstick in hand. He shoved Rick face first to the brick wall and patted him down. “What’s this? A couple of drunks duking it out?”

Rick didn’t speak and didn’t react. He could have fought free, stunned the officer, and disappeared into the shadows. But he waited, curious.

“What have you got there?” the driver asked.

“A couple of drunks. Should we bring ’em in?”

“Wait a minute—that guy on the ground. Is that Charles Blake?”

The cop grabbed Blake by the collar and dragged him into the light.

“That’s it, bring ’em both in.”

Rick rode in the back of the squad car next to Blake, trying to decide if he should be amused or concerned. Dawn was still a few hours away. He had time to watch this play out. Blake was hunched over, breathing wetly, glancing at Rick every now and then to glare at him.

Within the hour, Rick was sitting in a bare, dank interrogation room, talking to a plainclothes detective, a guy named Simpson. He lit a cigarette and offered one to Rick, who declined.

He said, “You were picked up fighting with Charles Blake behind Murray’s.”

“That’s right,” Rick answered.

“You want to tell me why?”

Rick leaned back and crossed his arms. “I expected to be thrown in the drunk tank when I got here, but you’re interested in Blake. Can I ask why?”

“What do you know about him?”

“He’s been bothering a girl I know.”

“Your girl?” Rick shrugged, and the detective flicked ashes on the floor. “That’s why you were beating on him? I don’t suppose I can blame you for that.”

“Is Blake dangerous?”

“Do you think he is?”

“Yes,” Rick said.

The detective studied him, but Rick didn’t give much away. If he needed to, he could catch the man’s eye and talk him into letting Rick go. It would certainly come to that if he was still here close to dawn.

Finally, the detective said, “You’re right. He’s the primary suspect in a murder case. You have anything else about him you want to share?”

This gave Rick an idea. “I might know someone who can help you.”

“If I let you go—I know how that works.”

“I’m the bartender at Murray’s—I won’t disappear on you.”

“And how good is this information of yours?”

“Worth the wait, I think.”

“You know what? You’re a little too cagey for a bartender. Is that all you do?”

Rick chuckled. “Right now it is.”

“I need evidence to lay on Blake if we’re going to keep him locked up—and keep him away from your girlfriend. Can you help me out?”

“Stop by Murray’s tomorrow night and I’ll have an answer.”