“Aw, I was moving from downwind so you wouldn’t smell me.”

“Luis, we’re inside, there is no downwind!”

He grinned like he knew that fact very well and didn’t care. “You look like you’re just waiting for someone to sweep you away to

dinner and dancing.”

Hmm, dinner and dancing, escaping the cares of the world with a big bottle of wine … “I am. Ben’s meeting me here and we’re going for lunch and drinks.” Any minute now …

“Ah. Right. He seems very nice.”

“He is.”

“I have to admit, Kitty, I just never pictured you as the marrying type.”

“Why not?” I said, pouting. “Just because I happened to jump into bed with you within hours of meeting you?”

His smile went vague and he gave a heartfelt sigh. “That was a very good night, wasn’t it?”

And why on earth had I brought it up? My skin shouldn’t have been tingling like that at the memory. “Yeah, it was. It was also years ago and I met the right guy in the meantime.”

“Yes, and so much has happened we clearly have a lot of catching up to do. I read your book—it was really good. Really thoughtful. I very much enjoyed it.”

My expression melted into a smile. “Oh, you did? It was? Thank you! I’m thinking it’s time to do another.”

“That’s great. Seriously, I’d love to take you to dinner and we can talk about what we’ve been up to. Maybe tomorrow?”

“Yeah. Okay. I think we can manage that. Maybe your sister can come along?” Sister, chaperone …

He reached out and caught my hand, cradling it gently in his as he brought it to his lips and gave the knuckles a light kiss. Truly a lost art, the kissing of hands.

Of course that was when Ben walked up.

I pulled my hand away, and Luis hung onto it for just that extra moment before I could take a step back. I didn’t know why I was blushing, I didn’t have anything to be embarrassed about. Ben had his hands in his trouser pockets as he strolled up to me, but kept a hard gaze on Luis.

“How’s it going?” he asked.

“Just fine,” I said. “Ready to head out?” I hooked my arm around his and steered him toward the lobby’s side exit.

“I very much look forward to dinner tomorrow night,” Luis said, waving after us.

Ben and I had gone ten or so strides when I looked at him and said, “What?”

“I didn’t say anything,” he said.

“You were thinking it.”

“You want to have dinner with an old friend. Nothing wrong with that.”


“The guy gives me the creeps, that’s all.”

“Because he’s a were-jaguar?”

He glanced at me. “He’s a little slimy, don’t you think? That whole hand-kissing thing?”

“Maybe you ought to try it sometime.”