“You may convince me yet,” Antony answered.

“That’s not what you were talking about,” I said. “In fact, I’m betting you were talking about Mercedes Cook and who’s thrown in with Roman.”

Antony made a pointed sigh. “Right. Mercedes and that bastard Jan are here because they want to move against you, Ned. They’ll put one of Dux Bellorum’s puppets in your place.”

“Jan?” I said. “The smarmy guy with the goatee?”

Ned’s lips twitched. “Yes. And I’ve seen no evidence of their intentions. Mercedes would only act if the situation were unstable, and it’s not.”

“She’ll act precisely because you are so comfortable. With London in her pocket, her hold—Dux Bellorum’s hold—on Europe would be unbreakable.”

Ned shook his head. “I’m not a lynchpin.”

“Talbot approached me,” Emma said, her clear voice a contrast to the others. They turned, startled by the interruption. “He suggested I start spying on you, Ned.”

“Talbot, who is that?” Antony said.

“Talbot is one of Jan’s,” Marid said.

Antony’s expression darkened. “It’s a very short step from asking her to spy on you to using her to remove you.”

Ned steepled his hands and gazed at the air, distracted. “They targeted you because you’re new. A stranger to them.”

“They didn’t understand that they weren’t asking me to betray you, but Alette,” Emma said.

“You’re Alette’s, then?” Antony said. “I don’t think anyone knows that. The old girl’s still got her hand in it. Good.”

Emma turned away, her smile thin, pained.

Ned said, “It’s their usual mistake—discounting you Yankees entirely. To think, they all believed Alette mad for moving her household. But the lack of competition overseas made her—and her followers—powerful. I’m curious—what did he offer you?”

“The usual. Second-in-command of London. I’m not old enough to want that kind of power. They’d give it to me, then destroy me with it.”

“I’m very glad Alette sent you to me, Emma love.” He caught her hand and kissed it lightly.

“She wanted me to learn,” Emma said, sounding young and tired. “I’m not sure she had any idea I’d get caught up in all this.”

By way of interruption I said, “I had my own encounter last night. Werewolves saying they served the Master of Venice delivered a message telling me to stay out of things, for my own good.”

“They even sounded worried about us,” Ben added.

Ned nodded thoughtfully. “Worried that you wouldn’t be safe, or worried that you’re powerful enough to cause trouble?”

“Who knows,” Ben said.

“Filipo hasn’t said a word all week,” Antony said. “What side does this put him on? And why talk to her?”

“Maybe he’s a fan,” I said, shrugging. “The whole thing makes me more curious, not less.”

“You certainly are something of a wild card,” Ned said.

I crossed my arms. “You really think Mercedes will try to replace you as Master of London?”

He shrugged. “I’ve no idea. I’ll be on alert, certainly. But this is about more than London.”

“It’s the public question, Kitty,” Marid said. “So much has been revealed. How much, then, do we continue to hide? Is hiding even the right response anymore?”

“Exactly,” Antony said, pointing. “We bring the fight to the public, then no one can hide.”