She was intrigued enough to follow.

He walked toward his truck, stopped, and opened the driver’s door.

“I thought you were going for a walk.”

“Changed my mind. Come on, get in.” He motioned to the door.

“You want me to drive?”

“No, I don’t want you to drive,” he mimicked her. “Get in and slide over.”

Blythe wasn’t sure why, but it didn’t matter what Tucker told her to do, she did it without hesitation.

“Where are we going?” she asked.

“Have you eaten?”


“To dinner.”

They drove the rest of the way into town in silence. Instead of stopping downtown, Tucker kept going in the direction of the ski area. He parked in the main lot and held the door open for her.

He took her hand and led her into a courtyard. As much as Blythe wanted to ask where they were going, she doubted he’d give her a straight answer. It didn’t really matter anyway, she’d go wherever he led, liking the feel of his hand holding hers.

He took her into a crowded restaurant where they were greeted by a very young, very cute blonde who asked if they had reservations.

“We’ll sit at the bar,” Tucker answered, pulling Blythe along behind him.

“There he is,” said the man behind the bar. “How the hell are you?” He came around and gave Tucker one of those man hugs where they patted each other on the back a little too hard.

“Chris, this is Blythe,” Tucker introduced them. “Chris and his wife, Kate, own the place. Where is she anyway?”

“She’s in the back, but I know she’ll want to see you. I’ll get you seated and then go get her.”

“We can sit at the bar, it’s fine.”

“No, no. I’ve got a table right here for you.”

The periphery of each table was draped in fabric that hung from the ceiling. It didn’t make the table completely private, but it lent an air of romance.

“I like this place,” Blythe said once Chris left the table.

“Me, too.” He leaned toward her. “It’s sexy.”

She laughed. It was sexy, but it wasn’t the word she expected him to use.

“I’ll order for us.”

“Do I have a choice?”

That was the response he expected from her. If she had demurely agreed, he would’ve been disappointed. He wasn’t interested in a meek response. He wouldn’t care if she fought him every step of the way, challenged him, and argued with him. That’s what he wanted. He saw the fire in her, he liked it, and he wanted it.

Her phone chirped, and she put her hand in her pocket. “Do you mind?”

“Go ahead,” he answered. “Then turn it off and put it away. I want your undivided attention tonight.”

She excused herself and went outside. He liked that she wasn’t the type to answer her cell in a room full of people.