“I was hoping to stumble on a cowboy or two out on our ride. Where are they anyway? Isn’t this a ranch?”

Renie laughed but didn’t answer.

Blythe was relieved when Renie turned Micah around and rode back toward the house. She probably could’ve ridden for another hour, but Blythe always lost interest in it before her friend did.

She wondered how Renie would react if Jace ended up being as interested as he’d acted when they met. Would she tell Blythe he was off limits? It didn’t really matter. Blythe was far more interested in Tucker anyway. There was something about him that intrigued her. It wasn’t his looks; they were identical twins. It was more, but she couldn’t put her finger on what it was that drew her to him.

Ben Rice and Billy Patterson were sitting at the dining room table, talking to Jace and Tucker when they came back in the house. Liv, Paige, and Mark were in the kitchen, nearby.

“Where’s Willow?” Renie asked, bending down to kiss Billy’s cheek.

“Downstairs, with Ben’s boys,” he answered, turning to kiss her lips.

Renie raised an eyebrow.

“It’s okay,” he said. “We have to let her go sometime. She’ll be fine. Jake and Luke are great with her.”

“Can’t we wait until she’s at least in the double digits before we cast her off into the world alone?”

“You’re so maternal,” Jace said.

“She is, isn’t she?” Billy sounded proud.

“Does that surprise you?” Blythe asked.

“Not at all, actually.” Jace turned so he was facing her directly. “How ’bout you, Blythe? Are you maternal?”

“Uh, no,” she laughed. “Billy picked the right girl, no question. Renie will love Willow to pieces.”

“You wouldn’t love her?” When Tucker spoke, everyone at the table turned and looked at him.

Blythe’s face turned red. “I didn’t say I wouldn’t love her. I said I’m not as maternal as Renie is.” She stood and went into the kitchen, not that the rooms had much separation, and put her arms around her father’s waist.

“What’s wrong, sweetie?” he asked.

She pointed in the direction of the table. “He was mean to me, Daddy.” Everyone knew she was being silly, which took the heat off the embarrassment she felt at Tucker’s words.

“Who was? Let’s see who I can get to beat him up for you. Any takers, or will I have to send Paige after him?”

Her mom slugged him.

“See? She can take all of you, even the mean one.”

The guys at the table were still looking at Tucker.

“What?” he finally asked.

“You should apologize,” Jace answered.

“For what?”

“You’re making this too easy for me,” he muttered.

Tucker got up and went into the kitchen. “I’m sorry I offended you. Although I’m still not sure what I said wrong.”

“Nice apology, man,” laughed Mark. “I’m sorry, but I don’t know why.”

“Come on,” Tucker said to Blythe. “Go for a walk with me.”