Blythe asked her mother to put a call in to her doctor. The medicine she was taking was making her nauseous, and she wanted to see if he could switch her to something else. Instead of calling in a different prescription, he asked Paige to bring her into the office.

“Why does he have to make it so complicated? Has he ever been in a damn wheelchair? Does he have any idea how hard it is for me to come into his office? Why couldn’t he just call something in?”

“I don’t know, baby.” No matter how nice anyone was to her, it irritated Blythe, and that included her mother.

When the doctor asked her to pee in a cup, Blythe was ready to take his head off.

“Is he kidding?” she asked after he left the examination room. “How in the hell am I supposed to do that?” She pointed to her right arm, the one in the cast, and then at her leg. “Somehow I’m s

upposed to be able to hold a cup and pee in it?”

“I think you’ll need help, sweetheart,” Paige answered.

“I spent the first two weeks needing to have someone help me every time I had to use the bathroom. I’m tired of it. Forget it. Let’s go. I’ll take Tylenol.”

Paige wouldn’t budge and made Blythe give the doctor a urine sample. “You’ll get through this.”

Blythe wished she’d asked Bree to come with her rather than her mother. Bree was easier on her. She might’ve even been able to talk Bree into giving the sample for her, so she didn’t have to.

They’d been waiting for over a half hour when the doctor finally came back in. Blythe started to say something, but stopped when her mother put her hand on Blythe’s good shoulder and squeezed.

He sat down on the stool and wheeled it closer to her.

“Blythe, there’s something we need to talk about, and it’s fairly serious. Would you like your mom to step out?”

“No, it’s okay. She can stay.”

As if everything she was going through wasn’t serious enough. What now? Her leg wasn’t healing properly? She had to have another surgery? What did that have to do with peeing in a cup?

Paige sat down. Why was her mother sitting down? And why did she look so pale? Blythe turned back to the doctor.

“Well, what is it? Spit it out, for Christ’s sake.”

“You’re pregnant.”

Oh my God. That wasn’t what she’d expected him to say. Was he joking? Did he say that because she was being such a bitch? She looked into his eyes. It didn’t look like he was bullshitting her.

“That’s impossible.”

“Are you saying you haven’t had sexual relations in the last few months?”

What was he saying? Her mother was in the room. “Yes, I have,” she answered as quietly as she could. “But I’m on the pill.”

“Are you still taking it?”

Well, no. She hadn’t been, not since the accident. But she also hadn’t had sex since the accident.

“Do you remember when you stopped taking it?”

She thought back. It was a blur. Between being with Bree when Zack died, and the funeral…all the traveling. Oh no. She couldn’t remember taking the pills with her to California. And then, with everything going on, she hadn’t remembered to take one since.

“As I suspected,” he said without her needing to answer. “I would guess you’re close to two months along.”

“More like three,” she answered. It didn’t take a genius to figure it out. She’d only been with Tucker one day…and night…and then the next day. Then they’d gotten into the accident. The math was easy.

“It makes what we have to talk about even more urgent.”
