“I’m hungry.”

Tucker didn’t have to move very far to reach the menu where it sat on the nightstand. “What looks good?”

“You decide.”

He smiled down at her. He’d guessed that first time they’d had dinner that Blythe liked when he decided for her. A lot, in fact. He pressed the button on the room phone and ordered.

He was still on top of her, resting most of his weight on her body. He had to be hurting her, but she showed no sign of it. She shifted so he rested between her legs. She reached down and put him inside her. She didn’t seem to care that he was still on the phone as she began to move beneath him. It was all he could do to hang up rather than let the phone fall to the floor.

“I should check in,” she said later.

“Who with?”

“I didn’t tell my mom where we were going.”

“I texted Renie. She let your mom know.”

“How did you get Renie’s number?”

“I used your phone.”

“Why didn’t you text my mom?”

“I told Renie it was me and asked her to let everyone know you were here with me. It would’ve been a much different conversation with your mother, even if it was only a text.”


Tucker figured things out and took care of what needed to be taken care of. He made decisions, and he acted on them. Shouldn’t she appreciate that about him and not make a big deal about the fact that he used her phone and messaged someone? With his lips on her neck, slowly making their way down her body, she decided not to question a damn thing Tucker did. At least not right now.

Jace was in the kitchen, having coffee with Paige, wondering where Tucker and Blythe were. He knew she was with him; he just didn’t know where.

“She’s with your brother, and it’s the best place for her right now.”

He nodded, wishing she wasn’t right. “I know Tucker will take care of her.”

“Jace, do you know my oldest daughter, Brooke?”

Jace stood to shake the hand of the woman who had stalked into the kitchen.

“Where did you say Blythe is?” Brooke stood with her hands on her hips, ignoring Jace and glaring at her mother.

“She’s with Jace’s brother, Tucker.”

“Did she spend the night with him?”

“Brooke, Blythe is a grown woman, who shouldered more than her share of responsibility over the course of the last several days. Let it go. It’s none of your business.”

Mark walked into the kitchen as Brooke stormed out.

“What’s wrong with her?” he asked.

“She asked where Blythe was, and when I told her it was none of her business, she stormed out.” Paige turned to Jace. “Sorry, she’s not our most sociable daughter. I need some fresh air.” Paige went out on the deck and closed the door behind her.

Maybe coming over here this morning hadn’t been Jace’s best idea, especially since Bree came in and sat at the dining room table, next to him.

“Where did you say Blythe is?” she asked.

“Out with some guy,” Brooke answered from the other room. “Overnight, I might add.” She came back into the kitchen and stood next to Bree’s chair.