“It seems huge, Tucker.”

“It’s about six thousand square feet.”

“Again, I don’t know what that means.”

“It’s about the same size as your parents’ house.”

“But their house is ginormous. What do we need with all this space, Tucker?”

He patted her stomach. “For this little one and his brothers and sisters.”

“How often do you plan to impregnate me?”

“As often as you’ll let me.”

Tucker led her over to the fireplace. The hearth was built up, so she could sit on it.

“What do you think?” he asked.

“I like it. But it’s up to you. If you like it, that’s what matters. Um…you know, can we, uh…afford it? I don’t make very much money you know.”

Tucker kissed her forehead. “Yes, Blythe, we can afford it.”



“What about your house in Spain? And your condo in Aspen, the one you share with Jace?”

Tucker didn’t want to talk about the condo, but he was going to have to get used to talking to Blythe about everything. Not only the easy stuff, the hard stuff, too.

“I signed the condo over to Jace. He owns it outright now.”

“Does that mean you’ve talked to him?”

No, it didn’t, he told her. He’d asked his father to handle it through their family’s attorney. Since they were brothers, a simple quitclaim deed took care of it. As far as the place in Spain, they didn’t need to worry about it for now. He wanted to take her and the baby there when they could travel. After that, they’d decide what to do about it together.


“You’re full of questions today, aren’t you?”

“We’re making a lot of assumptions. Just because we’re having a baby together doesn’t mean we automatically have to start making all these decisions. Maybe we should figure out, you know, if we’re going to be together, or not, first.”

He knelt down in front of her and pulled her in, close to him. “You like it when I make decisions for you,” he winked.

“I do, when you’re picking restaurants, or what we’re going to eat, but when it’s about the rest of our lives, maybe you should let me give you my opinion.”

“Okay, then,” he reached into his pocket. “What is your opinion of this ring? It’s the one I picked out in order to ask you to marry me.”

Blythe stared down at the ring he had in his hand. It was an emerald-cut diamond, flanked by two similar-sized emeralds. “It’s magnificent,” she said.

“Since you think so,” he slipped it on her finger. “Would you like to give me your opinion about marrying me?”

“I would love to marry you.” She kissed him. “I love you, Tucker.”

“I love you, Blythe. So, what do you think of the house?”

“Also magnificent, even if it is a bit big.”