Where are you? Renie’s text said.

Restaurant at the ski area. Let my mom know. Okay?

How long will you be there?

No idea. Turning cell off now. Let her know. Thanks.

Blythe stood outside a few minutes longer, composing herself before going back in.

From the moment they met, Blythe felt something different than she ever had before. Tucker’s touch electrified her. He didn’t just look at her, he stared into her soul, and when he held her in his arms and kissed her, she didn’t want him to ever let her go.

For the first time in her life, Blythe wanted a man in a way she’d never known existed. She closed her eyes tightly and prayed he felt the same way, and that this wasn’t just a game between Jace and him.

She walked over to a roaring fire in a pit in the middle of the courtyard. She’d let him wonder a few more minutes, she certainly was.

He was grinning when Chris came back to the table and sat down.

“Kate will be out shortly. She can’t wait to see you.” Chris leaned in closer. “How are you, Tucker?”

“Same as always. Nothing much changes with me.”

They chatted for a few minutes while Tucker looked over the wine list. “Where’s your date?” Chris asked when enough time had passed that, if she had gone to the ladies’ room, she would be back.

“Outside. Making me wait.”

“Ah. This explains the grin. It’s nice to see you this way. How long have the two of you been together?”

“About an hour.”

“Ah, I see. I’m going to enjoy watching the drama unfold tonight. Thank you for bringing her here.”

When Kate approached the table, both men stood.

“Tucker Rice. Is it ever good to see you.” She kissed him on the lips. “How was Spain? Fight any bulls, or were your escapades limited to senoritas?”

“Careful, darling,” warned Chris. “His date will be back any moment.”

“Tucker, I’m so pleased. A date? Someone special I hope?”

“Someone he’s known for an hour.”

Kate shook her head. “That’s our Tucker.” She pulled her husband away from the table. “Let’s watch from afar.”

“Before my wife banishes me from your table, may I bring you a bottle of wine?”

“The Marqués de Murrieta Rioja.”

“Outstanding. In honor of your recent trip, or is its spiciness in honor of the lady you’re out with tonight?”

“The lady, of course.”

Tucker saw Blythe walking toward the table as Chris went off to fetch the wine.

“Pleasant conversation?” he asked.

“It was a text,” she smiled. “I warmed myself by the fire for a few minutes.”

He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and put his lips below her ear. “I will give you all the warmth you need, Blythe. Remember that.”