“Who’s hungry?” Mark smiled.

“I am,” answered Paige. “Are you cooking or buying?”

“Buying, definitely. I’m too tired to cook.”

“Good. I want someone to bring me a nice glass of wine, a fabulous meal, and then clean everything up when I’m finished.”

“Jace, will you join us?” Bree asked.

“Sounds good to me.”

“How about you, Lyric? We’re buying,” added Mark.

“Should we check and see if Blythe wants to go with us?” Lyric asked.

“Yeah, or if she wants us to bring her back something.” Jace and Bree both started toward her door.

“You go,” she said.

“No, I’m sorry. Your house. You go.”

When she came back out, she told them Blythe was sound asleep. Paige suggested they leave a note and tell her to call when she woke up, and they’d bring something back for her.

Jace was outside with Mark when Bree came out.

“What?” Bree asked when Jace looked at her.

“Nothing.” It was a whole hell of a lot more than nothing, but he wouldn’t tell her that.

Blythe woke in a cold sweat. Her stomach was cramping. She got up and made her way into the bathroom. Blood. Oh, no. God, no. She couldn’t be losing the baby. Where was everybody? Why was she here alone?

When they came back from dinner, Bree went to check on Blythe.

“Call an ambulance!” she screamed.

Jace raced in, already calling 9-1-1. “What happened?” He stopped when he saw Blythe on the floor.

“Oh, God. No.” He scooped her up and carried her out of the bathroom. He could hear the sirens already.

Tucker got a chill. Someone walked across his grave; that’s what his grandmother would’ve said. He couldn’t shake the feeling. There were only two other times in his life he’d felt this way. They were the worst two days of his life.

He didn’t care what it cost him; he had to call Jace. Something was terribly wrong, and he had to find out what.

He pulled out his burner phone and punched in Jace’s number. It rang and rang on the other end. Tucker tried again. After the fifth try, he left a message.

“It’s Tuck. Call me.” He left the number on Jace’s voicemail and hung up.

The ambulance took Blythe to Memorial Hospital and straight into the emergency room. Paige and Mark were with her. Bree looked frightened, and Jace wished he could comfort her, but he was as frightened as she was. Every so often, their eyes met, but neither spoke.

Lyric was back and forth between the waiting room and outside. Jace pulled his phone out to check the time. Five missed calls and one message, all from a number he didn’t recognize. He tried to slip the phone back into his pocket without Bree noticing. He’d wait a couple of minutes, until Lyric came back in, then he’d go out and listen to the message. He looked at Bree.

“Did you hear from him?”



“Did he leave a message?”