“This place is spectacular.” Blythe looked out at the scenery surrounding them. “I thought your mom’s place was beautiful. This is…I don’t know…almost too much for words.”

“It is, isn’t it?”

Looking north through meadows full of tall grasses, the southern face of Mount Crested Butte was visible. A river ran through the center of the valley; cattle roamed the south side of the river, and horses were kept to the north. Blythe couldn’t imagine how beautiful it must be in winter, when snow covered the ground and the surrounding mountains. Or in the spring, when the ranch was blanketed in the spectacular wild flowers Crested Butte was known for.

Now, though, in the fall when the Aspens showed their golden splendor that mixed with the reds and oranges of the other deciduous trees, all against the backdrop of the deep blue Colorado sky, Blythe couldn’t imagine there was a more beautiful place on earth.

“Tell me what you know about the twins,” Blythe said once they were farther out on the trail.

“I don’t know much about Tucker. He’s an artist. They share a condo in Aspen, and it’s full of his work.”

“What kind of art?”

“Everything, from what I saw. He’s a painter, but a sculptor, too. Jace said he gets bored with one medium and moves on to another.”

“How did he get the scar?” She probed, knowing she probably shouldn’t.

“Scar? I have no idea. I didn’t notice, to be honest.”

“He seems broody.”

“Then you’re perfectly suited to one another.”

“Very funny. Jace seemed more interested than the broody one anyway.”

“Jace is a really good guy.” Renie looked off in the distance.

“Regretting your choice? I’d be happy to reconsider Billy Patterson if you’re thinking of letting him go. Although…”


“The baby.”

“Don’t give it too much thought, Blythe. There is no way I’m ever letting go of Billy Patterson. He’s mine, and I’m keeping him.”

Blythe had been hot for Billy for a long time, but admittedly, she didn’t know him very well, not the way Renie did.

“I’m happy for you, Renie.”

“Thank you, Blythe. I know that wasn’t easy for you to admit.”

“So, what should we do tonight?”

“I know what I’ll be doing, and I’m sure it won’t interest you.”

“What’s that?”

“I’ll be at home, with my future husband and our baby.”

“Ugh. You’re right. Doesn’t interest me at all. Why did you invite me if you don’t plan to spend any time with me?”

“I haven’t left your side since you got here. I’ll be with you all day tomorrow, too.”

“So you’re saying I’m on my own tonight.”

“Poor Blythe. Whatever will you do?”