“He says he doesn’t know how to raise girls.”

“Have him talk to my dad.”

“I think he did, and your dad said that at least Ben has two sons and some other testosterone around, unlike him who’s still the only guy in your house.”

“That’s right. Even our dog is a girl.”

Blythe hadn’t wanted to say goodbye, but Renie told her Willow had just woken up from her nap, so she had to go.

She couldn’t imagine not being able to finish a telephone conversation because of a baby. It would be a long, long time before she’d be ready to let go of her freedom the way Renie had.

Jace called the day before the stock show opened, and asked if he could see her that night. He’d said he still wanted to see her once the show opened, but he wouldn’t have as much free time.

Blythe w

as a nervous wreck, waiting for him to get to the house. A couple of times she thought about texting him and canceling, but she and Renie had plans to be at the show every day Billy and Jace were in town, so it would’ve been awkward to see him after begging off their date.

When he got there, she invited him in, but an hour later, she wished she hadn’t. Jace fit in so well with her parents and Ben and Liv, she wondered if he remembered she was there.

Lost in thought, feeling ignored, she checked Facebook on her phone. When she looked up, Jace was watching her. He smiled.

“You ready to go, darlin’?”

“Sure. I mean, if you still want to. We could hang out here if you’d rather.”

Jace stood in front of her. “Of course I still want to spend the evening with you, sweet girl. I was trying to make a good impression on your parents, but I neglected you in the meantime, didn’t I?”

She shrugged, not wanting to admit she’d been feeling sorry for herself.

“C’mon, let’s get outta here.”

“Where are we going?” she asked once they were in his truck.

“I have options for you. Either St. Augustine Grille or the Castle Café. What’s your pleasure, darlin’?”

That was a tough decision. Both were in Castle Rock, about twenty minutes north of Monument. The Castle Café was more casual and St. Augustine Grille was definitely more romantic. She hated being the one to decide where to eat. Renie knew that about her and never made her pick. When she went out with Tucker, he hadn’t even asked.

“Oh my,” Jace said, touching her chin. “You’re workin’ quite a pout over there. You want me to choose, Blythe?”

“Yes. You pick. Either one is okay with me.”

He didn’t say anything else during the drive. When he pulled up across the street from the grille, she grinned, happy he chose romance.

“Figured I dropped the ball, wooin’ you at Thanksgiving. Maybe you’ll let me give it another try. Whaddaya say?”

She smiled, but didn’t answer, which seemed to make him happy.

Over dinner he told her about training with Billy, and she asked him if it was weird, like she’d asked Renie.

“Nah. I was over Renie by the time I met you, Blythe.”

She raised her eyebrows.

“Okay, maybe not over her, but resigned to her bein’ with Billy. No point beating a dead horse, if ya know what I mean.”

Jace leaned closer and covered her hand that was resting on the table with his. “I don’t want to talk about Renie, darlin’. I want to talk about you.”

“I’m not as interesting as Renie is.” She tried not to sound as though she was feeling sorry for herself again, because it was true. Compared to the rest of the people she hung around with, she didn’t have much going on in her life.