The Cochrans spent Christmas in Monument. Liv and Ben brought Ben’s sons over with them Christmas night, so they could spend the morning with their mother and her husband.

Blythe and her parents spent the day quietly. Her older sisters were both married to Air Force officers who were stationed outside of Colorado. Brooke, the oldest, was in Germany with her husband, Tom. Blythe’s other sister, Bree, was the one she was closest to. She was in Northern California. Her husband, Zack, had been deployed and was in Afghanistan. Paige and Mark wanted her to come and spend the holidays with them, but Bree told them there was a chance Zack would make it home for Christmas, and if he did, she wanted to be there.

Billy and Renie were at the ranch in Black Forest, but Blythe didn’t want to intrude on their time together. They saw each other between Christmas and New Year’s Eve. Then Billy took Renie and Willow back to Crested Butte.

Blythe didn’t recognize the phone number when the call came in. She considered letting it go to voicemail, but changed her mind. There was a chance, however remote, that it was Tucker, and if it was, she doubted he’d leave a message.

“Hey, it’s Jace,” he said when she answered.

“Oh. Hi. How are you?” She tried not to sound disappointed, but she was.

“I’m good. How ’bout you?”

“I’m good. Um…how’s Tucker?”

Jace hesitated long enough that Blythe thought she’d made a mistake by asking. “He’s back in Europe. I think he might be somewhere in France at this point, or back in Spain.”


More silence.

“I’m calling because I’m going to the stock show, with Billy of all people,” he laughed. “I wanted to see if we could get together while I’m in town.”

“Sure. I’d like that.”

Jace told her they’d be in Denver for six days. Maybe longer, depending on what happened at the show.

“What do you mean?”

“Well…you’re not going to believe this, but Billy is my trainer.”

“For what?”

“Saddle bronc riding.”


“I’m riding saddle broncs.”

“I heard you the first time. Why?”

“Kind of a long story.”

“Have you always done this?”

“No, I used to ride bulls,” he answered. “Listen, I’ll explain later. I’ve got to run now, but I want to see you, Blythe. Can I call you in a couple days?”

“Uh, sure. Of course. Bye, Jace.”

Jace hadn’t told anybody of his plans to get back into bull riding. He’d intended to tell Tucker, but his brother was gone when they got back from Crested Butte.

“Be in touch,” was basically all Tuck had said. Jace knew better than to ask more than that.

Instead, he called Billy Patterson.

“You goin’ back on the circuit?” Jace asked.

“Thinkin’ about it, even if only to officially announce my retirement. Why do you ask? You hopin’ I’ll leave Renie here alone or somethin’?”