She didn’t ask any more questions, and even though they didn’t talk much, she found she wasn’t bored or uncomfortable. Tucker seemed content to watch her, as if her every movement, even breathing, spoke to him in a way words wouldn’t.

He took her hand in his and ran his fingers over her wrist bone, and then circled it, over and over. He studied her fingers and the palm of her hand.

“I want to paint your delicacy,” he whispered, making her shudder.

He gently laid her hand on the table and moved her fingers so her palm was flat against the white tablecloth, with her fingers slightly bent. He moved the candle and traced the shadow her hand cast.

If he could get this lost in her hand, what would making love with him be like? When she closed her eyes and pictured them together, he lifted her hand and kissed her palm, open-mouthed, like he had before. It was as though he read her thoughts.

“We should go,” she said with regret, knowing it was late, but not wanting their night to end.

“I’m not finished with you yet, Blythe.”

“I’m not finished with you either,” she murmured.

He held her chair, and when she stood and he grazed her cheek with his lips, she felt a tremor stronger than any she’d felt before. If she didn’t get back to the ranch, and away from this man, she’d likely do something she might live to regret. After only a few short hours, Blythe was ready to hand Tucker Rice her heart. She’d be devastated if he didn’t want it.

“What is this, playing?” she asked when they were a few minutes into their drive. “It sounds familiar.”

The tempo of the combined trumpet and piano was audaciously slow, as if the music might drift apart at any moment.

“Blue in Green,” she remembered before he answered. It had been so long since she’d heard it.

“You know it.”

“My father loves Miles.”

“It’s my favorite piece of music on this recording. The depth of feeling…” As his voice drifted off without him finishing his thought, Blythe wondered again what making love with him would be like. Would it be slow, subtle, transcending like the music? She closed her eyes and imagined their two bodies moving together.

The truck came to a stop, and she looked around, wondering why Tucker had parked near the entrance to the ranch.

“I have to do this,” he said, his hand cupping the back of her neck as it had before. He brought his lips to hers and kissed her, like she imagined he would.

Heat spread throughout her body, and as much as she wanted him to, she knew he wouldn’t hurry. It would never matter what they were doing; Tucker would never hurry. Spending only a few short hours with him had taught her that.

When Tucker pulled away from her and drove the rest of the way to the house, she wondered if she’d done something wrong. Had she been too eager?

“Don’t,” he said without her saying a word. “When you and I are together for the first time, it won’t be on the bench seat of a truck.”

He didn’t turn to look at her when he spoke, but his tone resonated, telling her he felt the same way she did. The same need, same desire, same impatience, but this wasn’t the time or the place. They both knew that too.

Blythe was surprised when they pulled up and found the house dark and quiet. Her parents were night owls, but it had been a long day, and tomorrow would be equally so.

Tucker held her hand in his as they walked through the house, and downstairs. Blythe rested her hand on the doorknob of Renie’s room where she was staying, wondering if he’d follow her in. Instead, he kissed her quickly and went into the room directly across the hall, leaving her feeling both relieved and bereft.

Tucker wished he’d arranged for a place to stay in town, instead of here, in a bedroom across the hall form a woman his body pulsed with need for. He groaned, knowing sleep would not come easy for him tonight.

Jace saw it was after midnight when he looked over at the clock. He heard them come downstairs, but they didn’t speak. If they had, he would’ve heard every word. Seconds later, he heard both doors close.

He knew nothing had happened between them, or rather he would’ve known if it had. He felt Tucker’s pull to the girl, though. It was as strong as his own.

The mood throughout the house tonight had been joyful. His parents had arrived shortly after Tucker and Blythe left, and were disappointed they’d missed him, but the reunion between his father and Ben’s had been heartwarming.

Tomorrow was Thanksgiving, and Tucker didn’t do holidays, this one in particular. When his brother withdrew, like Jace knew he would, he’d have his chance to make Blythe the center of his attention. Tucker wasn’

t the only Rice man with charm. He had it too, and he intended to use it.

Blythe couldn’t sleep. Every time she drifted off, thoughts of Tucker woke her. She wondered what tomorrow would be like for them. Would he be demonstrative affectionately, like he’d been tonight? Would he continue to woo her in front of their families, or would he pull back?