“Where is it?”

“Somewhere near Helena, I think. I’ll call his mom this week and see what else I can find out. When I do, I’ll let you know.”

“He’s raising rough stock,” Blythe told her a few days later when Bree was having lunch with her and Lyric.

“What’s that?”

“What’s what?” asked Lyric.

“Rough stock,” answered Bree.

“You know, broncs and bulls.”

“Rodeo broncs and bulls?”

“Well, yeah,” Lyric rolled her eyes. “What else would someone raise them for?”

“Does he know what he’s doing?”

“He must. It’s a big investment. I wouldn’t think he’d get into it if he didn’t.”

Bree wanted to change the subject. She thought about Jace Rice too much as it was. Imagining him working a ranch in Montana wasn’t helping. Picturing him on the back of a horse, his face weathered from days spent riding…she fanned herself.

“Have you decided what you’re going to do next?”

“I’ve been applying for teaching positions. I may have a chance at a temporary position at the Air Force Academy. It’s at the junior faculty level, and only for two years, but it’s a start.”

“You aren’t moving out?”

“I hadn’t planned on it, but I suppose I could find another place if you needed me to.”

“No, not at all. I thought you might be leaving the area.”

“Why would she be leaving the area?” Blythe asked Lyric.

“Relax, Blythe. It’s all good. I’m hardly ever home anyway. I thought you’d have to get a job out of state or somethin’.”

“I have a babysitting position I’m not willing to let go of,” she smiled. “I love that little boy so much,” she murmured.

“And he loves you.” Blythe reached over and rubbed Bree’s shoulder. “He’d miss his Auntie Bree, so you better not be thinking of moving away.”

“Okay, I’ll fess up. I had another reason for askin’.”

Oh God, what was Lyric about to say?

“It’s my brother; he’s havin’ a pretty hard time of it. I need to get him out of Oklahoma. And it isn’t only him. He’s got a wife and new baby. They need a fresh start, and I was hopin’ it could be here.”


“Don’t worry about it, Bree. I’ll figure somethin’ out. Maybe find a little house for them to rent.”

“Who’s working the boarding stables at Billy and Renie’s place?” Blythe asked. “Your brother knows horses, doesn’t he? Maybe he could work for them.”

Blythe picked up her phone as though she was going to make a call, and then set it back down again.

“You know, there’s a small house on the edge of the property, between our place and Patterson Ranch, that no one has lived in for a couple of years. Maybe the Pattersons would consider letting your brother stay there in exchange for workin’ the ranch.”

“How do you know all this?” Bree asked.