“Good morning,” he said.


“Wanted to say goodbye.”

“Heading back?” She looked in the direction of the pass. “It’s a beautiful day for a drive home.”

“Yep, it is.” He took off his cowboy hat and walked toward her. “I hoped we could talk before I go.”

She climbed down and took Pooh’s reins. “Sure. Of course. I owe you an apology.”

“Nah, you don’t. I figure things are hard enough for you right now without me complicating them.”

She laughed. “True. They are.”

He was close enough to touch her face, so he did. When she leaned in closer to him, he lost what little resolve he thought he had. His palm held her cheek as he leaned in to kiss her. When she kissed him back, he grabbed her around the waist and pulled her into him.


Her arms circled his neck, keeping him close. She pulled away from his kiss and rested her forehead against his chin.

“I was supposed to be apologizing to you, not making it worse.”

“Uh, I’ll take worse along with that kind of apology anytime you want to give it to me,” he answered.

She let go and walked Pooh into the barn.

“I’m serious, Jace. I can’t do this. I mean…”

“You’re in love with him.”

“I am, but I heard what you said yesterday. Something between us doesn’t work. Even before he became a dad, he saw it.”

She looked away from him, shook her head, and laughed. Then looked back at him. “You’re so much alike.”

“Oh man, I wish you wouldn’t say that. Jeez, Irene, no man wants to be told he’s so much like the guy he’s trying to steal you away from.”

She laughed again, but she was frowning.

“Billy and his family are coming for Thanksgiving. I need to figure things out before then. You know…what I want, how I feel, who I am.” She took a deep breath. “And what the hell is wrong with me.”

“I’d like to help.”

“You just confuse me more. You don’t help.”

“No, I’m serious.” He held both his hands up. “Hands off, I promise. Talking only.”

She raised her eyebrows at him as if to say she doubted him.

“How was your ride?”

“Too short.”

“Wanna go back out? If we did, we could talk, and you’d know for sure I wouldn’t try to kiss you.”

“That sounds nice. I miss riding with you.”

“I miss riding with you, too.”