“Well, hey there, Jace. I bet you weren’t as old as Jake here the last time I saw you.”

“I don’t think so. Hey, Uncle Bud, Aunt Ginny.” He hugged them both.

“My goodness,” said Ginny. “You have grown into a fine looking young man.” She looked at Renie and wiggled her eyebrows.

“How are your mom and dad?”

Renie walked over to her mom while Jace caught up with Ben and his parents.

“She’s right. He is a fine looking young man.”

“Stop it, Mom. You’re not helping.”

“What? I’m stating fact.” She tapped Renie’s arm. “Where are your manners young lady? Introduce me to him.”

“Jace, this is my mom, Liv.”

“Liv,” he answered, “I’ve heard so much about you. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“I cannot say that I’ve heard as much about you.” She winked. “But it is a pleasure to meet you, too.”

Renie blushed and swore she’d wring her mother’s neck later, when they were alone.

“How was Spain?” Ben asked.

“Good. My parents and Tucker are still there. They’ll be home next week, in time for Thanksgiving.” He looked at Renie. “Which I wanted to talk to you about, by the way. I’m hoping you don’t have any plans.”

“Oh we have big plans, her—”

Ben clamped his hand over Luke’s mouth.

Jace looked at Renie.

“We’ll talk about it later,” she said softly.

“Are you hungry? Can we get you some breakfast?” Ben asked.

“No, thanks. Irene and I are heading out for coffee.”

“Irene—” Ben clamped his hand over Luke’s mouth again.

He bent down and whispered, “What part of not another word didn’t you understand?”

“Okay, sorry.” Luke pouted.

“Am I missing something?” asked Jace.

“No one calls her Irene, that’s all,” answered Jake, who had remained removed up to that point, other than introducing himself.

“They don’t? What do they call her?” He smiled at Renie.

“Renie!” answered Luke, moving far enough away that Ben couldn’t stop him.

“Renie, huh? That’s interesting.” He was smiling at her still, and reaching for her hand. “Ready to go?”

“Sure, if you are. You didn’t get to spend much time with your family, though,” she said quietly enough that she hoped he heard her.

“I’ll catch up with them later. I can’t wait to hear what you’ve been up to.”