“Not as old as Ben.” Liv rolled her eyes.

“Anyway, his family lives in Aspen. He’s a twin.”


“That’s about it.”

“When do we get to meet him?”

“He’s in Spain. He won’t be back until the end of November. And even then…I’m not sure we’ll see each other again.”

“What about Billy?”

“What about him?”

“Have you talked to him?”

“You know I haven’t.”

“Don’t you think it’s time you made up?”

“Made up? Why do we have to ‘make up’?” Renie shook her head. “Billy wasn’t who I thought he was.”

“That’s a little harsh don’t you think? He’s raising that little girl all on his own. I’m proud of him.”

Renie stood. “Good for you, Mom. You are entitled to feel however you want, and so am I. I wouldn’t ask you not to be friends with him, or Dottie and Bill. I’d appreciate the same respect.”

“Are you disappearing again because I brought up Billy?”

Renie sighed. “No. I’m not. I’m done thinking about Billy Patterson. I’m having a glass of wine, and then I thought I’d show you photos of the ranch.”

“Sounds great. I’d love to see your photos.”

“As long as I’m opening a bottle, would you like a glass?”

“No thanks, sweetheart. I’ll have a glass of water.”

When Ben and the boys came back inside, Liv and Renie were huddled together looking at pictures on her phone.

“Here’s one of him,” she said.

“Hey, Ben, Renie met one of your cousins at the ranch. Jace, do you remember him?”

Ben sat down on the chair next to her and looked at Jake. “I bet Jace was Jake’s age the last time I saw him. He might have been younger than that. Wow.” He shook his head. “How is he? Was Tucker there too?”

Renie told them about visiting their place in Aspen and seeing Tucker’s art, and then told them Jace was in Spain with his family.

“Are we allowed to ask about the other one?”

“No, Ben, we’re not,” answered Liv.

He held his hands up. “Never much liked Cowboy Patterson anyway,” he mumbled. “Get you more wine?”

“Sure.” Renie got up and followed him into the kitchen to fill her own glass.

“He calls your mom sometimes.”

“I figured he did.”