If Renie thought she was sore when they left for Glenwood Springs, she was more so now. Although for an entirely different reason.

She and Jace were on their way to pick up the ranch guests from their rafting trip, and soon he wouldn’t be able to caress her cheek, or pull her in close for a kiss. She wouldn’t be able to stand behind him and wrap her arms around his waist, or run her lips across the strong muscles on his back. At least in public. She wondered how long it would be before the two of them could get away on their own again.

Jace pulled the van over at a scenic lookout and cut the engine.

“Why’d you stop?”

“Come here, girl. I need to kiss you a little while longer.” She groaned as he took her in his arms. “I need more of you, Irene.”

“I feel the same.”

“What’re we gonna do?”

“I guess we’ll learn how to be discreet.” She smirked.

“I’m not sure how you pulled off getting a cabin on your own, but I’m sure glad you did.”

That night, after the dancing was over and the guests retired for the night, Jace sneaked into Renie’s cabin.

“I think I’m gonna like sleepin’ with you, Irene.”

“I think I’m gonna like sleepin’ with you too, Bil-Jace.”

He had to have heard her, but Jace didn’t say anything about her almost calling him Billy.

Billy couldn’t stand it any longer. It had been almost three months to the day since Renie walked out of the hospital in San Antonio, and out of his life.

His baby girl just turned six months old, and was sleeping longer at night, which made his life easier. On the other hand, she was crawling. Billy had to watch her every second, or she’d get into something.

Dottie helped him babyproof his house. He loved the fireplaces in Liv’s house—his house, but now that he had a baby, he cursed them. There wasn’t a way he could figure out, besides putting pillows on the hearths and corners of every one of them, to keep Willow from bumping her head.

If he weren’t having nightmares about Willow getting hurt on something he’d overlooked, he was dreaming about Renie. Both caused him an equal amount of pain.

This morning, more than usual, Renie was on his mind. He still hadn’t heard a word from her, although he hadn’t expected to.

He called Liv, who was out on the rodeo circuit.

“Hey-o, Billy,” she answered.

“Hey, Livvie. How goes chasin’ the cans?”

“Great, but we sure miss you out here. No matter where I am people ask me when you’ll be back.”

“What do you tell them?”

“I don’t tell them anything, Billy. It isn’t up to me to tell them why you aren’t here.”

“Appreciate that, Livvie.”

Billy figured everyone knew about Willow anyway. The rodeo world was a small one.

“I’m calling about Renie.”

“I know.”

“How is she?”

“She’s doing better. At least I think she is. I haven’t talked to her in a few days.”